
22 October 2011

In My Mailbox (8)

Hi guys so this weeks video is very short because well i only got one book and and awesome bracelet which my brother broke 2 seconds after i was done filming the video. Anyways here's what i got for those of you who can't view the video

I bought from the Used Book Superstore

and that's all i got this week leave comments and links to your own IMM's below as always also i'd love it if anyone whos not a follower could become one! Thanks again


  1. Hey,

    don't feel bad. I have things get broken on me. Interesting book choice as I've never heard of it. Well at least you can catch up on your huge TBR list.

  2. Never read any of his books even though they've been around forever it seems!

    My IMM goes up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I got the second book to Thirst really cheap used but don't have the first one yet so haven't gotten around to reading it.

  4. That bracelet IS awesome, it's a shame it got broken. Hope it's fixable.
    LOVED Christopher Pike as a kid. I've been kind of wanting to reread him lately.

  5. I love the sound of THIRST, the cover is pretty too. Happy reading, Paige!

  6. I've been curious about Thirst! I loved his books growing up and am really curious to see how they've changed.

    Thanks for stopping by mine! Hope you enjoy it!

  7. I think I tried reading thirst when it first came out and it didn't really work out for me. Thanks for stopping by! :)

    Livin' Life Through Books

  8. Hi Paige,

    I have read Thirst and I have the 2nd volume. I would be interested to hear what you thought.


  9. Aw, that bracelet looks cool though, I'm sorry it's broken :(

    And that's a pretty good price for a book, great haul! :O

    Have a great weekend!
    Vicky xxx

  10. I've been curious about Thirst I've been told it was pretty good. Hope you enjoy it!

    Xpresso Reads

  11. Thirst looks interesting. Gotta add this to my tbr. thanks for dropping by my IMM


  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I loved Matched! Hope you enjoy it too!

  13. Bummer about the bracelet. I don't have to worry about my brother now, it's my kids. I've seen the Thirst books by Christopher Pike around a lot. I've always wondered it they're good. You'll have to let us know.
    Thanks for stopping by The Bookish Babes!

  14. I used to really love his books years ago but I haven't read anything from him recently. I'm so undecided about picking up anything from him again or just having my fond memories!!

  15. Great IMM :D I haven't heard of that one before ;p
    Thank you for commenting on my IMM :) <3
    Love, Carina

  16. That bracelet looks really awesome! It's a shame your brother broke it :(

    Can you get anything from AC Moores/Michaels/etc to put it together again?

  17. Yes im glad i can i just have to get the stretchy string at micheals

  18. I really liked Matched, I cant wait to read Crossed!! Awesome bracelet too!

  19. Thirst sounds like a great read and a good scary book for this time of year. Happy reading, Paige!

  20. Thanks for stopping by my blog !!! :D and I love the swag :D

  21. I used to read his books, but I haven't read any for long time. enjoy!

  22. I need a bunch of weeks with less books because my piles are growing and growing and I just get more and more overwhelmed. It's great getting books, but it does get a bit stressful! Hope you enjoy Thirst!

  23. I haven't read anything by Christopher Pike, though I see his stuff all the time at my bookstore. Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by and happy reading. :)

  24. I got my hands on the first Thirst bindup a couple months ago but have yet to read it. I really need to get on that. Hope you enjoy it and are still enjoying Matched.

    Erin @ Let's Evaluate

  25. I read Thirst a while back, but haven't gotten around to the rest of them yet. I hope you like it!

  26. I love that Thirst cover. I haven't read it yet though - hope you enjoy!

  27. Great set! How sad about your bracelet. :-( I've heard great things about Thirst.
    My IMM

  28. I heard those Thirst books are good. I have #1 and #2 around here somewhere. I would be curious to see what you think of them. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  29. I haven't read Thirst, but it's on my TBR.
    And I read Matched but I didn't like it all that much. I LOVED Delirium, though. Hahaha.

    Anyways, enjoy your books! :D

  30. Did you win the bracelet from me? I think you did.... ;)


  31. I also got that book a couple of weeks ago! and it was also for 3 bucks x) I need to read it sometime soon... hope you enjoy it and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  32. I should be reading matched soon and I'm looking forward to it, I wasn't a big fan of delirium though to be honest

  33. Thirst sweet. I bought that not to long ago from a five below store for 3 bucks too. I still havent read it yet but plan to soon. Happy Reading!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  34. Cute bracelet! I can't wait to read Thirst! Matched is a very good book. I hope you like it!

  35. Yay for used bookstores! I need to read this series, I used to read all kinds of Christopher Pike and R.L. Stine when i was younger.

  36. Cute bracelet! What a steal on that book! I've seen those at Walmart for a lot more than that, but I haven't read them yet. Awwww I'm so glad that you're reading Matched! Tell me if you like it! I haven't read Delirium, but if they're the same you have to tell me. Have an awesome week!


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