
24 October 2011

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Sup peoples? I'm here for another edition of It's Monday What Are You Reading? Created by the awesome Sheila over at Book Journey. What i'm about to do is let everyone know what I've finished so far. What i'm reading right now, and what i plan on reading next if i get that far =) 

Finished Reading: 

True Grime By: Natasha Deen (Review is on the blog. Do me the honor of checking it out? Please & Thanks)

The Iron King By: Julie Kagawa (Review is also on the blog. I'd be honored if you all could check that out too. I'm really proud of these ones i think these are the best i've done so far. Let me know what you think)

Currently Reading:

Matched By: Ally Condie (Loving it!) 

Between By: Cyndi Tefft (I know it's taking me forever to read this. The only reason why is because it's an e-book on my moms iPad so you know i don't get to read it very often.)

What i plan to read next (Hopefully):

Fade By: Lisa McMann

Sorry guys i'm only going one book in advance because as you all know i'm a slow reader. I was lucky to get done two last week, I'm proud of myself. Thanks to the people that take the time to read this post including my little comments, also those who go from this page right to my reviews! oh and last but not least thanks to the awesome people who read this then go hit the follower button! You're all appreciated!


  1. I love Lisa McMann's series! I think it's pretty awesome that you're able to squeeze in a book or two in your busy student schedule. I could never do that while I was going to school! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your choices are great, I own all of them except True Grim & Between. Have not heard of them but will check them out. I loved Matched.

  3. Ooh nice! Hear a lot of good things about Matched! Hope you like it!

    Silence was also good! Loved it! Much better than Crescendo and of course this leaves you hanging for the next one too, but not as badly as Crescendo's cliffhanger.

    Here was my review

  4. I'm getting so frustrated now because I feel like I'm the only one left who has yet to read Kagawa's series! lol


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)