
25 October 2011

Teaser Tuesday

Hi guys it's time for another edition of Teaser Tuesday hosted by the amazing MizB of Should Be Reading!
Anyone can participate you just have to follow these rules! Don't worry they're not hard =)

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a random page
3. Share two teaser sentences from anywhere on that page
4. Be careful not to include spoilers you don't want to ruin the book for other readers!
5. Last but not least make sure you include the title of the book and the authors name so TT participants can add the book to there tbr list if they like the teaser! Here's Mine:

Matched By: Ally Condie 
"Cassia," she says kindly. "Teenagers are hot-blooded. Rebellious. It's part of growing up. In face, when i checked your data, you were predicted to have some of these feelings,"

Sorry guys i know that i was only supposed to share two sentences but it seemed weird without the rest. Enjoy and leave comments and links to your TT below!



  1. Awesome! I seriously need to read this series. Great teaser! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. Great teaser! Haven't read this one, but hear a lot about it!

    Never free about going over 2 sentences! It's more rare to find the teaser that is two sentences long! I have been know to cheat and have 2 teasers, but they may have actually been 2 sentences long, or maybe 3! ;)

    Here's my Teaser

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I loved Matched, so great teaser. :)

  4. I read Matched recently. That sentence infuriated me! The whole book kind of irritated me. But I have crossed and hopefully I will get to it soon. I am interested in seeing what's going to happen next. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book.

  5. This is one of my all time favourite books and one of my all time favourite quote from the book. Hope you love the book as much as I do :)


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)