
24 November 2011

2012 Debut Author Challenge

For starters Happy Thanksgiving to all the bloggers out there! I hope your all having fun with your families! Now second I’ve got another challenge that I’ve signed up for! Now this is the first challenge of many that I’ve signed up for. I know your probably thinking then why didn't you do this post first? I'm not exactly sure why I didn't but I’m doing it know. So if you didn't know the Debut Author Challenge is hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren, and I really liked the idea of this challenge. Which is to read books by authors that are new. Well not all of them are new just new to the genre basically. I think that'll I’ll be able to accomplish a lot if I’m able to get my hands on some Debuts. I've already signed up for some arc tours that will help me get my hands on them, but if any of you know any other ways I can get my hands on debut books let me know in the comments please and thank you. Also if you have any cool challenges or any other cool things having to do with books or the blogging world that I could sign up for let me know!

Thanks for reading!!

1. Ditched By: Robin Mellom
2. Fracture By: Megan Miranda
3. Never Eighteen By: Megan Bostic
4. Freshman Year & Other Unnatural Disasters By: Meredith Zeitlin
5. After The Snow By: S.D. Crockett

Challenge Completed!

Additional Entries:

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good idea! New authors need some lovin too ;)


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