
24 November 2011

In My Mailbox (10)

What's up followers? I know it's a little early for an in my mailbox but since i'm not going to be home until sunday and i won't have time then i'm going to post my video now! Oh and yes my video is finally back because i finally got some books! So watch the video, and i hope you enjoy it! Leave comments and or links to your IMM's below! (P.S. I know i mess up a lot i had a few people watching me in the room so i was nervous lol!)

Here's what i got:

RAK's from Michelle at Michelle's Book Blog

Another copy of Night Word No. 1 By: L.J. Smith (Will be doing a giveaway very soon!)


Yard sale's


  1. Great Haul! Your really going to enjoy paranormalcy! My sister read it and she just fell in love with it! :D
    I havent ever read a book by Jodi, because i think its more adult, but i know lots of people who lover her, so hope you enjoy that too! :D
    Happy Reading!!

    Farah @ Maji bookshelf

  2. Ooh, I've been hearing a lot about Paranormalcy.. looks like it'd be something I'd enjoy!

    Happy reading :)

    Michele | IMM

  3. Ooh some really good books. Enjoy them. Great stash of books. Thanks for visiting me earlier.

  4. Great set. I really enjoyed Paranormalcy and can't wait for Endlessly (the third installment)! 13 to Life sounds pretty interesting. Thanks for stopping by! :)

    Livin' Life Through Books

  5. Paranormalcy is a funny it.

    The nightworld books are really good too

  6. Great books, Paige. Paranormalcy is so cute, and I've heard 13 to Life is great too. I haven't read that LJ Smith book. Hope you love it. Enjoy!

  7. Paranormalcy was pretty good. I haven't read the Nightworld series, but I advise The Forbidden Games series by LJ Smith. It's REALLY good. Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by! :)

  8. Great IMM! :) Enjoy them all :D
    Thank you for commenting on my IMM. <3
    Love, Carina

  9. I enjoyed Paranormalcy. I haven't read any of the Night World series. Happy reading! :)

  10. Love Paranormalcy!

    I second the recommendation for The Forbidden Games. I love Night World, but The Forbidden Games series is my favorite from Smith.

    Thanks for stopping by mine!

  11. LOVE the vlog!!!!
    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

    Happy Reading!

  12. 13 to Life and Paranormalcy are both great! Happy reading :)

  13. I still need to read Paranormalcy as well - sounds so good!
    -Jessica @ Book Sake

  14. I haven't read any of the Night World books, but they're sitting on my shelf! I should probably get to them soon! Enjoy!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  15. Great haul! I really enjoyed Paranormalcy, I hope you do too!

    Books of Amber

  16. Ooh I just read Paranormalcy last week it's really a lot of fun!

    Xpresso Reads

  17. Oh nice Paige! I <3 13 to Life so much! Hope you enjoy it! I also have the Night World books in my TBR pile. Want to read them but still have so much else to get to first!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  18. Love the Nightworld series. I've read everyone of them, and I can't wait for the final book. Happy Reading!
    My IMM
    A Beautiful Madness

  19. Paranormalcy is great. :) Enjoy it!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  20. Great week! I loved Paranormalcy! Thanks for stopping by!

  21. Nice haul! I loved Paranormalcy... hope you enjoy it too! Happy reading!

  22. Great books! Paranormalcy's really good so I hope you enjoy it too. Happy Reading!

    Teen Readers’ Diary

  23. YAY! You have Paranormalcy! That book was just SO much fun, and I hope you love it as much as I did, Paige! :) Plus, I've heard the coolest things about L.J. Smith's books, and I'm definitely planning on reading them soon!

    Awesome mailbox!

  24. You got some really awesome books! I'd tell you how much I loved Paranormalcy but I saw you reviewed it and gave it five stars so you know. Happy reading!

  25. Awesome book haul, Paige! I've always wanted to read Paranormalcy. Hope you enjoy all the books.

    Thanks for stopping by The Bookish Babes!

  26. I loved Paranormalcy!

    Check out my IMM! I just started my blog so it is my very first one!

  27. Awesome mailbox hun! Cannot wait to hear your thoughts! Thank you for stopping by!

  28. Great haul! I love Paranormalcy and Night World!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)