
10 December 2011

In My Mailbox 12

Hi followers it's time for another In My Mailbox hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren where we show off all of the books we got each week. Now usually i would do a vlog but since i only got one book this week and a few e-books so this week i'm just doing a post. Remember at the end of this post leave comments and links to your IMM's in the comment section.

The first book I got this week was a book that I won awhile ago from Melissa at Just One Opinion.

I can't remember what this book was about at the moment but i remember when i read the back and i couldnt wait to read it! So i know i still can't wait to =) I left the link to goodreads just click on the title above.

Now for some e-books that i have recieved

I won this e-book awhile ago and i just forgot to show it so here it is again i have no clue what this book is about either but i really really like the cover and well i won it so why not read it right?

Last week Jessica contacted me on goodreads and asked if i would like to read her book Marked and i accepted it sounds really great. I'll leave the link to goodreads just click the title above and it'll take you there but the title was changed on goodreads, i put this one up because i like this one better then the other one what do you think?

I just won this one this morning but i'm not exactly sure when i'll get to it. I remember entering the giveaway but i didnt realize that this was the third book in the series so i'll have to get the other two books in the series before i'm able to read this one!

Thanks for taking the time to check out my IMM don't forget to leave links to yours down below! ~Happy Reading~


  1. These are all new books to me! Happy reading ;)

  2. The Magi looks awesome! I can't wait to read it! Nice IMM!

  3. Looks like you got some good ones! It's hard when you win books later in a series but haven't read the previous ones, but it's a nice push to do so! Congrats on your winnings!

  4. thanks for the shout out! enjoy :)

  5. OOh that Pandora's Box does look interesting! Might have to look the others up too!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. These books looks awesome!! Enjoy them all:D

  7. thanks for dropping by my IMM great haul for you too. x


  8. Some really interesting stuff. The cover to Destiny is so simple it's stunning!

    -Jenna @ Fans of Fiction
    My IMM

  9. Great IMM :D Oh, those books have pretty covers :) Enjoy them!
    Thank you for commenting on my IMM. <3
    Love, Carina

  10. Desinty has a gorgeous cover! Great haul!

    Visit My IMM

  11. Thanks for stopping by my IMM, you have some good books there. I love the cover of Pandoras Box :D

  12. Oooh, the cover for Pandora's box is creepy o.o

    Just looked up Destiny and it definitely sounds interesting.

  13. Destiny and The Magi both sound really good. Thanks for stopping by earlier :) Happy Reading!
    Megan @ Read It, See It

  14. The cover on Destiny is really pretty! And lucky you, winning so many books :0)

  15. I've heard The Magi is really good! Hope you enjoy it :)

  16. I just purchased the three set series by Katie! I can't wait for them to come. I hope you enjoy it!

    Happy Reading!

  17. So I haven't heard of any of these lol but the cover for destiny is gorgeous!

  18. Hope you enjoy all your new books! Thanks for dropping by the blog today!

  19. Looks like you got some great stuff. I hope you enjoy.

    ~Happy Reading!

  20. I absolutely LOVE the cover for Pandora's Box and the whole idea of it! (It's one of my favourite myths!) And LOL that happens to me sometimes too -- one time, I actually read the second book in a series before I realized halfway through that there was a book that came before it! x)

    Awesome mailbox, Paige! I hope you love all of your books! :)

  21. Oh my god you HAVE HAVE HAVE to read the Magi I just did a few weeks ago and it is amazing! If you like Harry Potter you will Love it guaranteed!!

    Xpresso Reads

  22. amazing haul dear! thnx for stopping by =) muah!

    Dazzling Reads

  23. I don't think I've heard of these books before. Hope you enjoy them all! :)

  24. Magi, I am seeing that one around now, must be a good one! I haven't heard of most of those books, so nice to see new stuff about:D


  25. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I haven't seen these ones before, but all of the covers look interesting! Hope you enjoy them all!

  26. Awesome IMM!!! I have Magi for review, I hope it's a good one! Happy reading! (:

  27. I haven't actually heard of any of these books but I hope you enjoy them. Awesome you won Pandora's Box but it stinks that it's third in a series. Happy reading!

  28. Ooh. You have several that are new to me. I am looking forward to your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by my IMM.

  29. Oh interesting books! Hope you enjoy! Cant wait to see what you think! Thanks for stopping by! I always enjoy getting comments from you! ;-)

  30. Thanks for stopping by my IMM! Yes, TOUCH OF FROST comes first :) I might review it tomorrow. At the very least, I'm reviewing the mini-book FIRST FROST...which might be a free ebook d/l? It was...I guess it could cost money now...? You could totally read it first, though. Reading it after TOUCH, I was a little bored. I haven't heard of any of these books. PANDORA'S BOX sounds like something I need to look into. Love mythology!!

  31. Thanks for stopping by my IMM!! You definitely need to read Half-Blood soon!!

    Looks like you had a great week as well! I haven't heard of any of these, but I hope you enjoy them!

  32. Hey Paige, great books. I like the look od Destiny, I'll have to check that obe out. Happy Reading ;)
    Tristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon

  33. I want a copy of The Magi so badly!! I've heard it's amazing!

    Radiant Shadows | IMM

  34. I've heard good things about The Magi, so that's exciting!

    Have an amazing reading week!

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  35. Destiny looks real interesting! Hope you enjoy. Thanks for stopping by!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)