
06 December 2011

Teaser Tuesday

It's time for another edition of Teaser Tuesday! Which is created by MizB over at Should Be Reading. This bookish meme is when we share two teaser sentences from the book we're currently reading! Here's the rules:

  1. Grab your current read
  2. Turn to a random page (most likely flip through the pages you've already read so you don't risk spoiling the book for yourself accidently)
  3. Share two teaser sentences from that page
  4. Again becareful not to include spoilers you dont want to ruin the book for other people.
  5. Make sure you share the title of the book and the authors name!
Here's my teaser:

Lock and Key By: Sarah Dessen

"We used to pick up Heather," Gervais said, his eyes still on his book, "when she and Nate were together. She got to eat in the car. Pop-Tarts, usually Blueberry flavor."

I thought this teaser is pretty cool. It kinda made me jealous because they were talking about Nate's ex and i want him and Ruby to date.  But it also made me laugh =) What do you think? Leave links to your TT in the comments! ~Happy Reading~


  1. I love blueberry Pop Tarts! Dessen is an author I want to try. Thanks for visiting my teaser today :)

  2. Awww, I love Sarah Dessen!! I've only read a few of her books so far, but they're always SO sweet and Lock and Key is definitely one that I'm planning to read soon! :)

    Awesome teaser, Paige! I'm craving blueberry Pop Tarts now LOL! x)

  3. Very cute teaser! I've just started getting Dessen's books. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by The Bookish Babes!

  4. I haven't read anything by Sarah Dessen but I hear she's amazing! Great teaser!

  5. I haven't heard of this book before, but great teaser :D Seems interesting :)
    Thank you for commenting on mine. <3
    Love, Carina

  6. Great teaser! I will definitely have to check this one out, Sarah Dessen is an awesome writer. Thank you for sharing! :)

  7. very cute teaser, everyone love pop tarts! Thanks for stopping by my TT yesterday! Book Savvy Babe

  8. Cute! I love pop tarts but only the chocolate ones ;D


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)