
02 December 2011

In My Mailbox #11

Hey followers! It's time for another In My Mailbox! It's really short this week but i hope you still enjoy it! Anyways here's what i got for those of you who can't watch the video (P.S. Don't forget to leave comments and links down below!)

From Jessica's giveaway at a GREAT Read:


  1. Yay! Glad you got your book! Hope you enjoy it!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. great IMM i like torment good book!

    I did pass your info on to the author for destiny so you should get it soon!

  3. what's your favourite HOliday novel?

    I hope you can check out my blog for some +vibes and inspiration!

    For the month of December, I am hosting 1 giveaway a week! This week is a unique hair accessory (value:$16) by The Grey Deer !

  4. I'm really wanting You Have Seven Messages! Looks so good.

    Thanks for stopping by mine!

  5. YAY for giveaways :) I got You Have Seven Messages last week! It looks really good!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I have You Have Seven Messages as well but I've yet to read it. Have a great week! :)

  7. That Seven Messages book looks super good! Hope you'll enjoy it. :D

    Thanks for stopping by Kindle Fever!

  8. Great books this week. I loved Fallen and I have been meaning to read Torment since it first came out. Happy reading!

    Stop by my IMM!

  9. I so lover your vlogs. I haven't read Fallen yet. I hope you love Torment! What's really cool is winning from the question you asked! That sounded like fun! Have a great week and happy reading!


  10. I didn't like torment as much as fallen but I'm looking forward to reading passion when I ever get to it lol :)

  11. I've been thinking about reading Torment. Hope you enjoy it :-)

    My IMM

  12. I haven't read the Fallen series, although I've had the first book on my shelf for ages now. I hope you enjoy Torment! :)

    Books of Amber

  13. I haven't picked up the rest of the series since Torment! I need to fix that. Hope you'll enjoy your books :)

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I still haven't read Fallen, but it looks good. Enjoy!

  15. I just got Torment recently - can't wait to read it too!
    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  16. Yay, You Have Seven Messages! It's supposed to be really good so I'm sure you'll enjoy it :)
    Happy reading! xxx

  17. You Have Seven Messages sounds so rad. i hope you love it!

    happy reading. :)

  18. Ohhh Torment! That one was tough... hahah hope you enjoy it more than I did!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  19. i've read fallen but i haven't read torment yet, enjoy!

  20. I've had Torment on my shelf forever but still haven't read it!

  21. Awesome that you won a book! I haven't heard much about SEVEN MESSAGES but I hope you like it. Happy reading!

  22. That's great that you got Seven Messages from Random Buzzers. I haven't racked up too many points there yet, but I like visiting that site. Yay for winning Torment, too. Enjoy!

  23. Awesome IMM. You have seven messages looks really intersting. Thanks for stopping by my IMM. =] Happy Reading. =]
    My IMM

  24. Seven Messages makes me curious it's the 2nd time I see it and hadn't seen it before today!!

    Xpresso Reads

  25. Oohhhhhh, you have Torment!!! I can't wait to read what you think of it -- I think that book has one of my favourite covers ever! :) Despite how many times I GRRRd during it, I have to admit that Lauren Kate's books are my guilty pleasures LOL! ;)

    Awesome mailbox this week, Paige! I hope you enjoy all of your books! :)

  26. So jealous you actually got a book from random buzzers. I've been waiting for a book I've purchased with them for over two months, and have yet to receive it.

    Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your books :)

    Livin' Life Through Books

  27. Don't you love Random Buzzers? I know I do.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you enjoy your books! I seriously need to check out Lauren Kate's books at some point, since so many people seem to love them.

    Happy reading :)

  28. Great books! I loved Torment, I hope you do, too!
    Thsnks for stopping by The Bookish Babes!

  29. You Have Seven Messages looks really interesting. I might have to add that one to my list :0)

  30. Congrats on both your wins! I haven't read either of these books but You Have Seven Messages definitely peaked my interest. Very cool concept for a book. Hope you enjoy them both!

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM!
    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  31. Enjoy your books - they both look great :)

  32. I've been seeing You Have Seven Messages up and down the blogosphere, and I don't know if I can handle the book. It sounds so emotional and painful and raw! Torment, on the other hand, I feel like such a loser for not reading this sooner. It's been sitting on my shelf for awhile. I don't know what wrong with me and series! After awhile I start to get wary of them, and I don't continue when its still fresh in my head. I'm hoping to rectify that during Christmas break.

    Have a fabulous reading week, Paige!

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  33. You Have Seven Messages sounds interesting. Happy reading and thank you for checking out myIMM x


  34. Great IMM! Torment is an amazing book. Hope you enjoy your new books!

    My Cute Bookshelf

  35. Awesome haul darlin!!! Can't wait to hear all your thoughts! Thank you for stopping by!


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