
05 December 2011

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Hey followers! It's time for another edition of It's Monday What Are You Reading created by Sheila over at Book Journey. This book meme is where we show off what we finished last week what were reading this week and what we plan on reading next week. (If you can get that far) For me i never know what's going to happen the next week for books i might get a book that needs to be finished so i need to put down the book i'm reading then and read that one or i might just stay on track who knows but that's why i dont ever say what i'm reading next week because it always changes! Anyways here's what here's last weeks recap and this week's reads.

Finished Last Week:

Paranormalcy By: Kiersten White

I absolutley loved this book! I picked it up at the library even though i shouldnt have because i have plenty of books at home that i need to finish but i did and i read it pretty quickly thankfully! Here's the link to my review:

The Next Thing I Knew By: John Corwin

I got this book as an e-book. It was for the book tour hosted by Bewitching Book Tours. I read it and again i absolutley loved it! It's about a girl who like wakes up and her and her bestfriend Kyle realize that everyone is dead and the book is about them trying to figure out who killed them and them saving there world. It really is a great book so i suggest it to anyone who likes paranormal type things! Here's my review:

Reading this week:

Rian of the Elves: Welcome to the Spire By: Erin Hassinger

Now i know i've been reading this book for awhile, and it's not taking me awhile to read because i dont like it because the book is actually really interesting it's just taking me awhile to read because i have so many other books that i need to finish because i have a time limit! But anyways i reccomend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy especially fairies and elves the book is full of fanstasy! It's really awesome.

Embrace By: Cherie Colyer

I got this book as an e-book. I'm reading and reviewing it for a book tour that is hosted by A Tale Of Many Reviews book tours. The tour is in Jaunary. My tour stop is January 27 so be sure to stop by! I'm hoping to get way more comments then i got on my first book tour!

Lock and Key By: Sarah Dessen

I got this book as a rak and i'm only 6 chapters in but i really love it so far! It's my first Sarah Dessen book and i cant wait to read more of her work!

Well that's all for this week! Anybody who stops by and looks be sure to leave links to your It's Monday in the comments section! ~Happy Reading~


  1. Just some holiday inspired anthologies and Halo by Alexandra Adornetto

  2. Nice! Read a lot of Sarah Dessen in my early reading years. Before I got submersed in the paranormal genres that is! Hope you like it!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Oh, yay! I just bought a copy of Paranormalcy, and I'm so excited to read this book! I hope you enjoyed it--can't wait for your review :)

  4. Looks like some great choices - hope you enjoy them!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  5. I need to read Sarah Dessen, I hear such good things about her!


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