
26 December 2011

Standalone Reading Challenge!

Yet again another challenge!!! So the Standalone Reading Challenge is good for me because i'm always reading these random books that nobodys heard of and there not part of a series. So this challenge promotes that kind of reading which is good for me! This challenge is hosted by IceyBooks and I Like These Books. Now to sign up i'm supposed to make a list of stand alone books that i want to read this year so i'm going to make that list on goodreads and link it up down below! I hope you decide to join this challenge with me and if you do good luck!

Goodreads list:

1. Fracture By: Megan Miranda
2. Never Eighteen By: Megan Bostic
3. Freshman Year & Other Unnatural Disasters By: Meredith Zeitlin
4. After The Snow By: S.D. Crockett


  1. This sounds really good, I might have to do it myself. Good luck with it, I look forward to seeing your reads - enjoy!

  2. Oooh another challenge that fits my reading habits. My problem with this is I just pick random stuff, I don't plan my to-reads ahead. But thank you for the info, I'll think about joining :)

  3. THanks for signing up the challenge!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)