
27 December 2011

YA Contemporary Challenge

I chose this challenge because well i've decided that I don't read enough Contemporary and i really would like to, so that's why i chose this challenge! This challenge is hosted by Reading Angel and Katie's Book Blog. For the full rules and sign up place go to either on of there blogs by just clicking on their names. Below i'm going to choose which level i'm going to be taking on!

Level 1: 5+ Books
Level 2: 10+ Books
Level 3: 15+ Books

Im choosing Level 1 just because of my book buying money is limited so i'm not exactly sure when i'll be able to get books and when i wont be. But i'm definateley going to try to go over 5 books!

1. Fracture By: Megan Miranda
2. Never Eighteen By: Megan Bostic
3. Freshman Year & Other Unnatural Disasters By: Meredith Zeitlin

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