
27 December 2011

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme created by MizB over at Should Be Reading. Teaser Tuesday is the one time a week where we get to share a teaser from the awsome book(s) we've been reading! Anyone can participate just make sure you follow the rules below.

1. Grab Your Current Read
2. Open To A Random Page
3. Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page
4. Make sure you dont share spoilers you dont want to ruin the book for other participants
5. Lastly make sure you include the title and author of the book!

Here's My Teaser:

Night World #1 By: L.J. Smith

Pg. 61

Poppy shifted uncomfortably. "So you, um drink people's blood, huh?" Even after everything she'd seen, she couldn't say it without half-laughing.

I like this teaser it got a nice little chuckle out of me. I hope you enjoy it too!


  1. haha Unbeliever! Must have been a big surprise for her though. Nice teaser!

  2. lol! Nice teaser!
    I've never read anything by L.J. Smith

  3. I think I've read this book :P

    Nice teaser!

    Krazyyme @ Young Readers


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)