Hi followers! I've signed up for another challenge, and it is the 2012 EBook Challenge. This challenge is hosted by Workday Reads. I've decided to sign up for this challenge because i'm always buying and winning e-books to read so i figured that this challenge would help me be motivated to read a lot of them! So without further adu here's the challenge details (These aren't full details at all if you want full details click on Worday Reads above it will take you to the challenge page)
Levels for the challenge
- Floppy Disk: 5 e-books
- CD: 10 e-books
- DVD: 25 e-books
- Memory Stick: 50 e-books
- Hard Drive: 70 e-books
- Server: 100 e-books
- Human Brain: 150 e-books
Since i'm sort of slow reading e-books i have chosen level 2 (CD) which is 10 e-books. Now this challenge is a year long so i'm pretty sure that i'll be able to get more then 10 but i'm trying to start off small because of all the other challenges i've entered! Thanks for reading and if you have any other cool challenges that you think i'd be interested in let me know in the comments.
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