
27 January 2012

ARC Tour Embrace By: Cherie Colyer

Hello Followers so along with my traditional In My Mailbox post (Will be posted a little later today) I'm participating in a ARC Tour Embrace By: Cherie Colyer Hosted by A Tale of Many Reviews Book Blog Tours. I hope your excited because I have joined a lot of tours with ATOMR Book Blog Tours this year scattered all over the place a couple in March one in June so yeah you get the point. So without further ado here is my review for Embrace! I hope you all enjoy.

Embrace By: Cherie Colyer

When I was first asked to read Embrace I didn’t know it was about witches I thought it was another teenage love story type of thing. Now I would of read the book either way so I’m not complaining but I just wasn’t expecting what I got at all. I really liked the whole plot of the book because now that I think about it I haven’t really read any books about witches in a while well none that I can remember so I really loved reading this book.

All the characters were nicely written I loved that they were all good friends. Even though there weren’t many action scenes the few that were there were pretty awesome. My favorite character was Issac. The book describes him in my eyes to be extremely hot so I went for him right away. He was really mysterious at first which drew me in but then the way that he slowly started falling for Madison he totally had me. They’re the cutest couple in the book and I’m glad they stayed together

Now Josh and Kaylie were equally as cute, because I’m sure if I climbed on top of a desk screaming at spiders that aren’t there my boyfriend would have left and never looked back. But Josh he stuck by Kaylie’s side the whole time she needed him which I thought was really sweet.
Was anyone else jealous when Paige kept talking to Issac? Every time Madison would spot them talking my heart sank because I really wanted him and Madison to say a couple. So that’s why when Madison’s ex came a long the same thing happened because I didn’t want her to hurt Issac and then break up because it would’ve been bad.

Powers? I could have done without almost everyone in the book having powers but that’s okay. I knew Issac had powers from the beginning because when Madison fell off that ladder I knew she broke something and then all of the sudden he put his hand on her arm and she’s healed? Yep I knew but I had no clue about Madison or Josh’s powers or anyone else’s for that matter. In the end though everything worked out well everyone’s still together and no ones dead which is good! I’m not sure if there’s a sequel to this book but I’m kind of hoping there is.

I'm so excited that I finally got to share my review with you guys! Be sure to check out all of the other stops on the tour by clicking here 


  1. Paige, I really enjoyed your review. Thanks for reading and reviewing Embrace and thanks for being a stop on the tour!

  2. I haven't read anything by Cherie. Embrace sounds like it would be a good place to start.


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