
26 January 2012

Which Team Are You On? #2 One Tree Hill

Afternoon followers! I know i'm a little late but today is my every other thursday edition of Which team are you on? This week i've decided to feature a show that i love! I haven't read the books yet but i hope to soon =) Now if you watch One Tree Hill you know that it's in the 8th or 9th season which is the final season! So in honor instead of using characters from the current season i'm using characters from the first season. The two characters that i choose are of course Nathan and Lucas!

Lucas Scott
  • Hot and Sweet
  • He grew up with his dad basically living right down the street with a while different family who doesn't feel bad for him?!
  • He was brought up by his single mom.
  • He's with one girl but hes in love with someone else!
  • There's so much i could say about him!

Nathan Scott
  • Basketball Star
  • Comes from a broken family
  • Has a horrible dad
  • Has to grow up apart from a brother that his dad doesnt want
  • He has the best girlfriend ever shes so sweet!

So you know the rules pick two characters you like in the show tell why you like them and then pick which team your on! then come back here and post the link! So with these two guys i'm on TEAM LUCAS!!! Thanks to anyone who decides to join me with this meme! Happy Thursday!

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