
13 January 2012

In My Mailbox 16

Happy Friday The 13th everyone! I hope were all having good luck!! So this week i'm happy because i only got two books this week which is really good because well i've only been blogging for barley 5 months and i already have a couple mountains of books. Crazy right? Yeah so anyways here are the books i got.

Won from Peggy @ Pawing Through Books

Sorry guys i can't remember who i won this from!

Thats it for this week guys! Remember leave your links below and also check out my giveaway!!


  1. Ooh nice! All wins! Yay for you! I've read Angel Burn sometime ago and it was pretty good. A little lengthy at times, but still a good read!

    My IMM will be up Sunday, so be sure to visit then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Thanks for visiting earlier. Isn't winning books great. Those sound like great books. I know how you feel about the TBR pile. Mine is huge as well.

  3. Grats on winning! It's so awesome when they come fast. I didn't buy anything this week either.

    Happy Reading!!


  4. I haven't read either of these, but I'd like to read Angel Burn soon! Hopefully you enjoy both books. Happy reading! :)

  5. Lucky you! Winning is awesome! Angel Burn has been on my wishlist for some time, but I never got around to getting it. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  6. Seriously. You must have the luck of the Irish! You're always winning ;) Thanks for visiting my IMM!

  7. I've heard Angel Burn is good too! I haven't heard of The Wishing Pearl...I'll have to check it out.

  8. Awesome books. I read Angel Burn when it first came out and loved it. I won Angel Fire from a book of choice from a different blog and have yet to read it. Never heard of the Wishing Pearl, but looks interesting.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Livin' Life Through Books

  9. I have heard amazing things about Angel Burn. I definitely want to read it someday. It will be awhile since I have sooooo many books to read. I love winning books! I have won a ton lately. You just reminded me that I forgot to include them! I'll have to add them in next week. Thanks for visiting My IMM

  10. Damn, you win so much books ;) Enjoy it all :D They seem great :)
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  11. I have a ridiculously large TBR pile, but it's great getting new books.

    Nice IMM...I haven't read either books.


  12. Really want to read Angel Burn myself!

    In My Mailbox post:

  13. Yay, I'm glad you got the book already! :) Hope you enjoy it!

  14. Thanks for stopping by LIO!

    I liked Angel Burn, but kind of had mixed feelings on it...I can't wait to read the next book and see where it goes.

  15. I've heard Angel Burn is really good! Enjoy your books!

  16. Hope you like Angel Burn! I still have to read that one. :)

  17. angel burn is a really good book i hope you enjoy it as much as i did.

  18. Oh Angel Burn I really want to read that one! Great haul!

    Xpresso Reads

  19. I've never read anything from L.A Weatherly but I see her books everywhere! Hope you had a good weekend Paige! :)

  20. I haven't read any of L.A. Weatherly's stuff, but I really feel like I should. Bloggers are always talking about it :P

  21. I haven't heard of either of these, but both sound great!
    - Jessica at Book Sake.

  22. Oh my gosh, YAY Paige!! You have Angel Burn!! I absolutely ADORED that book and everything inside it (especially Alex who rocks this world! <3), and I really hope you do too! :)

    Awesome mailbox this week, Paige! I hope you have an amazing day!

  23. Great set! Congrats on winning Angel Burn. I want to read it.
    My IMM

  24. I got Angelburn for Christmas and I can't wait to start it! Enjoy :)

  25. I got Angelburn a few weeks ago! well, more like STOLE from my friend's shelf, hehe...
    and congrats on not buying anything, wish I'd done the same x)

  26. Angel Burn looks so good, I really want to give this series a try! Thanks so much for stopping by and Happy Reading! :)

  27. Grats on the wins! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  28. Wow -- that's some stack of books!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog :)

  29. Congratulations on your win! Awesome mailbox week! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by!

  30. I've been meaning to get to Angel Burn as well. Enjoy!

    Safari Poet

  31. I really want to read the Angel series! Hope you enjoy your books and thanks for stopping by my IMM :)

  32. Lol I know exactly what you mean! Way too many books to read...

    iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books

  33. Nice IMM
    I should really get around to read Angel Burn. How awesome is it that you won both of them? Congrats and hope you enjoy them

    Thanks for visiting our blog
    My Cute Bookshelf

  34. Great IMM!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  35. Angel Burn looks great! Enjoy. Thanks for stopping by!

  36. Sometimes, less is more, right? I haven't heard of The Wishing Pearl, but I've heard Angel Burn is really good. Enjoy!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  37. The books do pile up, don't they? Congrats on your wins and I hope you enjoy Angel Burn and The Wishing Pearl.

    Have a great week of reading!

  38. It's always so much fun to receive contest winnings in the mail! Congrats on winning and I hope you enjoy your reads.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  39. It's crazy how quickly books can pile up! Happy reading, Paige.

  40. Oooooooo, Angel Burn, lucky you! That one sounds really good!

    Enjoy your new books!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my mailbox:


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)