
13 January 2012

ARC Tour Destiny's Fire By: Trisha Wolfe

So this is my very first ARC Tour with A Tale of Many Reviews Book Blog Tours. I was emailed and asked to join so i went over to this site and read the synopsis and it sounded really interesting so i decided i would sign up. Now here i am writing my post extremely fast because yes i want it to look nice but i am so eager to share my review with you guys. Down below will be my review and the link where you can find all the other tour stops! (P.S. I lost the original email with the linky stuff so it's just a link that you'll have to click on down below to bring you to the page sorry!)

At first I didn’t know if I was going to enjoy Destiny’s Fire because I wasn’t really sure if it was my style. But I really liked the book! It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole entire time and not a lot of books lately have done that for me. Trisha Wolfe did an amazing job writing the characters and there relationships.

I really loved that the book was based in the future, that’s something I didn’t know about but it was an awesome surprise. The only thing about the book that threw me a little was I wasn’t sure what kind of creatures the characters were supposed to be. You know like normally in book your clear on whose human and whose vampire or werewolf, but in this book I wasn’t so clear on that but that’s okay because I was still interested.

Now with the relationships in this book they completely tore me apart in both good ways and bad. In the very beginning of the book I wanted Dez to be with Jace 100% you could so tell that they would be the cutest couple. But then Reese wandered in made Dez fall for him and of course he made me fall for him too. Which is why when Jace kissed Dez and Reese saw my heart broke. Then when Reese and Dez made up I felt better but then it broke again when Jace walked in on them. But that right there is one of the reasons why I loved this book it was like the best rollercoaster I’ve ever been on and I hate rollercoaster’s.

Destiny has an amazing support group in this book and she does so well handling herself. She feels horrible because throughout the book she manages to hurt and fall for two great guys but she’s able to keep them both in the end which I’m totally jealous of!! Sorry about the spoiler I had to let it out! Anyways I gave this book 5 stars because well because of all the reasons I listed above. I recommend it to anyone who loves a crazy love story mixed in with a battle of races basically. It’s really a fun book!

Well that's it i've been waiting to share my review with you guys for just about ever! I hope you all enjoyed it and if you have any thing to say and advice i'll take it all in the comments. Also click here to see the other blogs participating in this ARC Tour.


  1. This book looks really fun. Little bit of steampunk, little bit of fantasy.


  2. Nice! Glad you're part of the tour, the book is really good. And beautiful.

  3. Lovely review! I love futuristic books :)

  4. Awesome books !!

  5. Can't wait to read this book!! :)


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