
01 January 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Whats up followers?! How's everybody's year going to far? Mine i have to say is going pretty good. Today well technically its yesterday but anyways i started my first giveaway! Which i'm really excited about i can't wait to see how everything works out! Be sure to stop by and check the giveaway out!
So It's Monday What Are You Reading? is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Sheila over at Book Journey! where we basically put together our week of reading. So without further ado here is my reading  week. 

Finished Since Last Post:

Thirst No. 1 By: Christopher Pike

I wasn't sure if i would like this book since it was a bit of an old book but i really loved it. As you've probably heard me say thousands of times! Here's my review 

The Caldecott Chronicles No. 1 By: R.G. Bullet

I was asked to review this about a month or so ago and i didn't know if it was my style but i enjoyed it. Check out my review.

Embrace By: Cherie Colyer

I received this as an E-arc to review for a book tour hosted by A Tale of Many Reviews Book Tours. I finished it and i really really enjoyed it but i can't post my review until my date which is January 27 so be sure to stop by and check out the review then!

Destiny's Fire By: Trisha Wolfe

I also received Destiny's Fire as an E-arc to review for a book tour by A Tale of Many Reviews Book Tours. I also finished this one but i cant post it until my date of January 12 or 13. I hope you guys come back to check out my review when i post it!

Ditched: A Love Story

Last but not least i finished Ditched! I really loved this book and i finished it pretty quickly after i got it! My review for this one will be up next tuesday so be sure to stop by!

Currently Reading:

Paradox The Angels Are Here By: Patti Roberts

I won this book awhile back and i knew i wanted to read it but i fifty know when i would get a chance! and that chance came i only have a little over 100 pages left and I'm really liking it so far.

Night World No. 1 By: L.J. Smith

Really liking this book. I should be finished with it by next weekend.

Bittersweet By: Sarah Ockler

I decided to read this one from Pulse It because it fits in with a couple of my challenges and it sounds like a really good book and it is so far.

Thanks for checking out my It's Monday post! Leave links to yours in the comment section!


  1. OOh Destiny's Fire looks interesting! Will look for your review later on this month!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Paradox looks amazing!!! And I have to get that Sarah Ockler book!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)