
02 January 2012

Review Paradox: The Angels Are Here By: Patti Roberts

Paradox : The Angels Are Here By: Patti Roberts
** spoiler alert ** I won an e-copy of Paradox: The Angels Are Here By: Patti Roberts a while ago and I just never got around to reading it. I finally did because it is about Angels and I really love books about angels.

The book kind of threw me a bit because I wasn’t entirely sure what the whole book was exactly about because it flipped back and forth between Abaddon and his family Grace and her family and then those odd visions that Grace had. I enjoyed the book but I have to admit at some points I was really confused as to what was going on.

The very beginning was Abaddon and Theria. I knew that their world was in war and that’s why Their and her cousin left. Then it switched to Grace’s world and she got her little friend Hope which I thought was sweet because no little girl should be alone like Grace felt. I loved the characters of Grace and her father in the beginning so I was so sad when her father died.

When Angela and Wade came into the picture I was again very confused because I didn’t know like who they were. At first I thought that Angela could possibly be Theria but im still not sure. Anyone whose read the book if you could give me some clarification id love it!

Overall I give this book a 3 out of 5 stars because I did really like the book for reasons because even though I was confused I still kept turning pages to find out more and I really liked all the characters.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paige, thank you so much for reading my book:) I see you are in need of some answers.... I have some answers for you - Progeny Of Innocence - book 2 in the Paradox Series is out and is currently free on Amazon as a promotion leading up to the release of book 3 - Bound By Blood. I think you will really like the answers you find there :) I look forward to your thoughts, Patti


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