
23 January 2012

Review The Future of Us By: Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler

The Future of UsThe Future of Us by Jay Asher

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve been wanting to read The Future of Us for awhile so when I saw it at my library I picked it up and checked it out right away. The main characters are Emma and Josh and the main side characters are there two best friends Kellen and Tyson. I was confused at first I thought Kellen’s name was a guy’s name but I figured it out soon enough.

First I would like to say that I really like the plot of this story. I personally think that if I could click on to Facebook and check on my future it’d be awesome. Yeah I’m sure I would have a few bad experiences seeing my future sometimes but it would still be pretty cool to have some sort of idea of what my life would be like.

Before I say anything about the characters I’d just like to point out that I absolutely wanted Emma and Josh to be together the whole book and I still do. I’m not sure what other people think about the situation but I’m sorry no one would be able to change my mind.

The two of them just have a spark that I couldn’t turn away.

Emma’s character I thought was fun she acted like any other girl would crazy about her future. In this book she had three different future husbands and she wasn’t fully happy with any of them. She’s definitely a girl considering she hasn’t met any of those future guys. I agreed with her though I secretly want Josh to be her future husband. I see him in the front seat of her car if you know what I mean. (If you haven’t read the book I swear its not a sexual joke lol)

Josh and Sydney Mills? Really! Come on when I saw that I was mad because well I didn’t know Josh’s character that well yet so when Sydney was his future wife I just had a feeling that Emma’s chance of being with him when right down the toilet. I know what your thinking she turned him down I know but you could tell that secretly deep down she really wanted to be with him.

Kellen and Tyson are sort of side notes. They kept saying Tyson hurt her really bad but I feel like he’s a good guy but I’m not sure the book wasn’t written about them so I wouldn’t know. But I do know what happened between them in this book and I thought that they were sweet together too.

Overall I give the book a 5 stars it was beautifully written and a book about the future is always good.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. I loved this book too. The entire concept is so interesting. Emma is a major brat, but it is a must to have a character like hers to show what can happen. Great review!
    -FABR Steph@FiveAlarmBookReviews


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