
12 January 2012

Which Team Are You On? #1 VAMPIRE DIARIES

Guess what?! I've decided to make my own meme. Now I’m not exactly sure like if people are already doing this and I just before I start I want to say if somebody is already doing this and I’m completely copying them just let me know and I’ll stop doing it or I’ll keep it but I wont call it my own. I'm not
saying this because I’m copying I was thinking about something I could do and this is something that I thought would be cool. So without further ado here are the rules of my new meme! (P.S. I didn’t make this button because idk how yet but when I learn how it'll be my own button now one I found off Google.)

Now since this is the first time I’m doing this it'd be awesome if you guys could give me a bit of feedback =) Here's how this is going to work every other Thursday I’ll be picking a show and choosing two characters they can be male or female but only chose two, and if it's that hard for you to chose let me know I’ll either give you an acception or I’ll do a part two the next time. Now for the rules in steps

1. Come check out the post every other Thursday to find out which show I’m featuring.
2. From that show pick two people both males, both females, or one of each. I'm sorry if you don't know the shows I pick!
3. Create a post with both of the people's pictures then down below tell about both of them and then why you like one more then the other.
4. At the end of the post in big letters which team your on! then come back here and post the link to your post in he comments. (I know usually there'd be a linky but since I’m new I’m not sure how to make one yet sorry!)

Alright is everyone clear on the rules? I know this first post is kind of lengthy but it's just because it's the first post I promise it'll be shorter in the future. If you have any questions, concerns, or you want to yell at me because this was your idea hit me up in the comments!

This Thursdays featured show is: The Vampire Diaries
 The reason I picked this is because well it's Thursday and this show is on tonight! The two characters I pick are none other than Stefan & Damon! (P.S. You can choose the same to people as someone else if you like)

First up we have the sexy Stefan Salvatore!
  • He's the mysterious vampire boyfriend/ex boyfriend of Elena. (Were not actually sure right now he's sort of lost his humanity!)
  • He'll do anything to keep his family, and friends safe even if it means losing everything.
  • He has a pretty sexy brother!
  • He'll look as good as he does now forever considering he's a vampire =)
  • He's really really sensitive well at first he was.
  • Lastly he's got some pretty nice muscles lol.

Next up we have the lovely brother Damon Salvatore

  • Damon is Gorgeous!
  • Since I wrote this for Stefan I’ll write it for Damon too I’ll he has an awesome brother
  • He's the bad guy that doesn't show his feelings but you see them come out once in awhile and its amazing
  • Black hair
  • Amazing dimples
  • He's pretty good boyfriend material considering he basically watches over his brothers girlfriend when he decides to leave.
  • He doesn't give up on the ones he loves no matter what.

    So after serious consideration and I mean serious I’ve been trying to figure out which one I’m going to stick with for hours! But I’ve decided that with Damon he doesn't have any humanity already so you probably wont be let down with him =) So yes I am on Team Damon!!!

    Okay guys thanks so much for joining me on my first Which Team Are You On? I really hope that you'll like it and decide to do this with me because frankly I love the idea and I love when you guys do it with me (not in a weird way hahaha) Remember if you want to join you certainly can just follow the rules above! Happy Thursday (P.S. Watch Vampire Diaries tonight at 8!)

1 comment:

  1. I love this post!
    No need for a linky. Makes things not as fun.

    Damon has to be my pick too.
    He's such a tortured guy so for him to still care is a big deal.

    Consider me in for the meme.
    It's really terrific of an idea.


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)