
27 February 2012

ARC Review After The Snow By: S.D. Crockett

After the SnowAfter the Snow by S.D. Crockett

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

**Spoiler Alert** After The Snow was a really interesting story. I liked the idea of reading about how someone would have to survive the winter all year long but also be on your own the whole time too. The only thing that I wasn’t to sure about was if it was supposed to be in the Future or in the past. I think the book said it was supposed to be in the past but near the end of the book they were talking about It being the second World War even though we’ve already had it.

Willo was my favorite character. He was a pretty strong character. He was alone throughout the whole story and he barley cried once. Most people would say he’s a guy that’s why he didn’t cry but he was a lone on a mountain during full blown winter and he had to feed himself and keep himself safe. I would’ve cried every too seconds.

At first I didn’t know if he was going to go back for Mary and Tommy. I was really glad when he did because I liked Mary I’m glad that they were together in the end. Oops little spoiler alert. Sorry guys.

I recommend this book to anyone who has the patience to read a story that has a lot of small details. I hope to read some more from this author in the future.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see this book getting some love! I loved it up until the ending. WHAT THE WHAT with his final decision!


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