
24 February 2012

In My Mailbox (22)


Hola! So it's time for another In My Mailbox! Created by Kristi over at The Story Siren. Each week we show what books we got from all kinds of different places. Anyone can join in just go visit her blog and see her page about them =) So this week I bought a book even though I shouldn't have but I did but anyways here's what I got this week!

Borrowed: From Amber @ AwesomeSauce Book Club
The Calling By: Kelley Armstrong

Won: From Goodreads
Another Piece of My Heart By: Jane Green

Bought: @ Walmart =)
The Soul Screamers Bind Up Vol. 1 By: Rachel Vincent

Remember to leave your links below! Thanks so much for stopping by =)


  1. I've heard such amazing things about the Soul Screamers books! Happy reading :)

  2. Niiice!! You got The Calling! Hope you like it!! It was reallllllly good! Happy Reading!

    My IMM goes up Sunday, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I really have to buy this bind up of the Soul Screamers series because I've heard awesome things about the series but I don't know why I still haven't bought the first book ...
    I also need to read The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong because I loved the Darkest Powers trilogy !!
    Enjoy all your books Paige !! Looking forward to read your reviews !!

    1. Really have to read The Gathering! It's going to be an awesome series!

  4. Yay! You won a Goodreads contest!! I never have.
    I liked The Calling -- and I also liked Another Piece of My Heart.
    Happy reading!

    1. I'm glad you liked Another Piece of My Heart. I won it and I wasn't sure if I was going to like it. But i'm going to give it a try!

  5. You had a good week. I got lots of E-Books this week. E-books are easier for me to read. You get real lucky. So come check out what I got as well.


    1. I'll definitley stop by! and I agree e-books sometimes seem easier for me to read too!

  6. Awesome mailbox! :D So jealous about The Calling. Hope you enjoy it ;) And I hope you enjoy everything else that you got too :D
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  7. Nice, The Calling! I hope you enjoy it! Also, Soul Screamers is one that is on my TRL. Happy Reading and see you next week!


  8. the soul screamers is supposed to be a great series!

  9. I'm trying to save my money too but if you are going to spend your money The Soul Screamers is a great thing to spend it on! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you love it and Tod! Happy Reading!
    My IMM

    1. I love the enthusiasm in your comment! Thanks for stopping by =)

  10. I really want to read The Soul Screamers!
    Hope you enjoy your new reads.

  11. Hi Paige:

    I'm so happy you liked the cover of "Entangled" over at Xpresso Reads.

    xoxo, Nikki

    1. Me 2! It's really pretty! Thanks again for giving me a copy to review!

  12. Hi Paige;
    How's your writing coming?
    I enjoy your blog and think I increase the average age of your readers by a bit.
    I just added two copies of my novel, "Splattered Blood" to the book giveaways at Goodreads.
    Next out for a little job and then back to writing.
    PS Please check my latest giveaway, it centers on two fourteen-year-old friends and someone trying to take advantage of one of them.
    "Bleed For Me"

    1. It's going pretty good! Thanks so much for asking and stopping by =)

  13. Hey Paige, Kelley Armstrong is so awesome I love all her books. The Souls Screamers rock too, happy reading ;)
    Tristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon

  14. I still need to read The Soul Screamers series, I have the bind up that I got for X-mas so hopefully we will both get a chance to read them soon.

    Happy reading! I hope you enjoy all of the great books you got this week.

  15. Thx for stopping by! Enjoy all of your awesome books - love Kelley Armstrong!


  16. Excellent haul! I still need to read The Soul Screamers series, but I hear awesome things about it. Happy reading! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  17. Who doesn't love Kelley Armstrong???? Lucky you on getting The Calling! and I hadn't heard of Another Piece of My Heart, guess I'll have to add it to my TBR, great IMM! Enjoy!

  18. The Soul Screamers series sounds amazing. Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by my IMM!

  19. I really want to check out the Soul Screamers series!
    Everyone I know loves it :)
    Great IMM

  20. I know everyone else loved the soul screamers series.. but it was only eh for me * shrug* the ending did make me want to grab up book #2 though so that's promising! awesome mailbox! thanks for dropping by mine!

  21. I really want to try the Soul Screamers series, it sounds pretty good! Hope you get all your reading done and happy reading! :)

  22. I really loved the Soul Screamers series! It's such a fun series.

    Thanks for stopping by LIO!

  23. Oh my gosh, YAY! I'm so happy that you broke whatever book buying you had and got the Soul Screamers omnibus -- it's one of my favourites of all time! I love Tod so much! :) <3 And you're so lucky you have The Calling! I love Kelley Armstrong too and I can't wait until that book comes out so I can read it!

    Amazing mailbox this week, Paige! I hope you love them all! :)

  24. I'm jealous you have Soul Screamers Vol. 1. I need to buy it for myself since I love the series.

  25. I don't like white covers, but Another Piece of My Heart sounds really cool..

    Great IMM

  26. I still have to read the Soul Screamers!! I have heard so many great things on it! Great haul!

    Xpresso Reads

  27. The Calling was a pretty good book. I'm actually probably one of the few to have yet read the soul screamers series. Hope you enjoy all your books.

    Thanks for stopping by,

    Livin' Life Through Books

  28. I've been meaning to get to the Soul Screamers books, but I never have timeee!! :( So sad! Hope you enjoy them!!

  29. Great mailbox, Paige! I haven't read The Calling, but I've heard it's good. The Soul Screamers omnibus is my favorite cover in the series. Enjoy the goodies!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  30. The Soul Screamers sounds really great :)

  31. I totally want to get into the Soul Screamers series, I've got a novella or prequel or something on my nook but haven't read any of it or bought the other books yet. It looks like a great series though! I hope you love all of your books and thanks so much for dropping by my blog :D

    Happy reading :D

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  32. I cannot believe you got The Calling!!! Awesome haul hun! Thank you for sharing and for stopping by!

  33. I haven't read a thing by Rachel Vincent either...I hope it's as good as you're expecting it to be. And woohoo for The Calling. I loved The Gathering too and cannot wait until I have a chance to read the sequel.

  34. I recently read the first Soul Screamers and it was pretty good! I have The Calling here to read too!

  35. Looks like you had a good week! I have yet to read anything by Kelley Armstrong...I think I'll do that soon.

  36. I have yet to read anything by Kelley Armstrong even though I own some books by her. I'm glad you are liking her work enough to continue with it.

    I hope you enjoy all of these books

  37. Great books! I hope you enjoy them all!
    Happy reading :)

  38. The Soul Screamers series just gets better as it goes!
    I loved the Darkest Powers series, I still need to read this new trilogy!
    Enjoy your new books!

  39. Great book week!! I have been wanting to read the Soul Screamers series! I need to make some time for these books that have been on my shelf for, forever!
    Enjoy all of your books!
    Happy Reading.

  40. Ooh, the Soul Screamers series is on my list somewhere. I hope you enjoy it and the others you got last week!

    Thanks for visiting Working for the Mandroid!

  41. I want to read Soul Screamer series! Hope you enjoy all:)

  42. Great books! Hope you enjoy all of your goodies, and thank you so much for stopping by for my IMM! :D


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)