
06 February 2012

Book Blogger Confessions (1)

Morning Followers! How was your weekend? Did anyone watch the Superbowl? I did and i was disappointed but i'm still sticking by my team. Lets go Patriots! So anyways a few months back Karen @ For What It's Worth and Tiger @ All-Consuming Media started a new meme called Book Blogger Confessions. What you do is every 1st and 3rd Monday of every month theres a new question to answer and you just make a blog post and answer the question! You can check out there explanation of the meme here since its there meme!

So this week the question is: Deadlines for reviewing and blogging. Do you set them? How do you keep them? What do you do if you can't meet a deadline?

Since i'm a new blogger i'm still trying to regulate my scheduling and sometimes its very difficult. When i first started blogging i didn't realize how hard it was going to be to keep on track with all the books i would start getting. I've only been blogging for a little over 5 months and i've gotten so many books. At first i just tried to rely on my brain but i finally stopped and started writing things down and on calendars because i knew i couldn't fit everything in my brain.

Now i write things on my regular wall calendar, a virtual calendar and my phone calendar. Something that i need to work on is not accepting so many review books and signing up for book tours and ARC tours because right now i'm swamped! I have about 5 e-books that i need to read. 3 before they expire, two by the end of March and one whenever i can. Also I have a book for review that needs to be finished before early March so as you can see i'm not to good with scheduling! Anyways my blog is still young and i'm hoping to fix this and get better at in the future! 


  1. Not accepting as many books has been the biggest relief for me this year. You get so excited at first and then realize you can't possibly meet all those obligations.
    I have a "to read/review" shelf in order of release date. It's a small shelf and I make sure that the books fit on that one shelf as kind of way to let me know not to take on more than I can handle.

  2. I agree with Karen, learning my own limitations and not accepting so many books has really helped my stress level so far this year. In 2011 I signed up for so many tours and accepted so many review copies that I got overwhelmed!

    Good luck finding a balance! :)

    Bonnie @


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