
06 February 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Hi all! So it's time for my weekly recap! It's Monday What Are You Reading? was created by Sheila over at Book Journey. Where you tell us what you've finished this week, what were reading now, and what were reading next. This week it's probably a lot of the same because i'm reading so many because of dates that its taking longer then expected. I'm hoping when i'm finished with this huge list that things will calm down a bit. So without further ado here is what I'm reading!

Finished Since Last Post:

Freshman Year & Other Unnatural Disasters By: Meredith Zeitlin

Got this book as part of DAC ARC Tours thanks to Tara @ Fiction Folio and I loved it! Here's my review

Eleven Minutes (Tie-In Story to Fracture) By: Megan Miranda

Just read this a few minutes ago and it was pretty good.

Currently Reading (WARNING! Really long list) 

City Of Ashes By: Cassandra Clare

Of Mice and Men By: John Steinbeck

Saving June By: Hannah Harrington

Letters In Cardboard Boxes By: Abby Slovin

Daphne and The Mysterious Girls Secret Bathroom Society By: Robert Shields


  1. I really liked the City of Glass series by Cassandra Clare. I hope you enjoy it as well. THanks for stopping by my blog. The Goddess Test was really good. Hopefully you'll get to read it soon.

  2. OOh nice! Haven't read these except for Of Mice and Men back in 12th grade! Hope you have a good week of reading!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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