
03 February 2012

In my mailbox 19

Hi all! I hope you are all having a fantastic week! I know i have! So this week like i said i got three books and none of them were bought so yay for me!

For School:

From DAC ARC Tours (Tara)

From Valerie @ Stuck In Books


  1. OOh nice! Read Of Mice and Men back in school, it was all right. I have to mention that I can't really enjoy a book well if there isn't something paranormal in it.

    Hope you enjoy all your books! Yay for you and not having to spend money!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I've heard Freshman Year & other Unnatural Disasters is so so good!! Enjoy it :) :)

  3. Oh, seems like interesting books :D I hope you enjoy them all ;) <3 And I'm glad you had a great week :D Hope it will continue to be great. <3
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  4. Great IMM! Fixing Delilah was pretty good. I loved Of Mice and Men too! :)

    Her'es my IMM

  5. I stopped signing up for ARC Tours because I need to also catch up on my TBR pile and Review pile. Great IMM this week. Thanks for visiting me earlier as well.

  6. Freshman Year & other Unnatural Disasters & Fixing Delilah sound really cute!
    Great book week.

    Happy Reading!

  7. I have FY&OUD here for review and will be reading it really soon! Fixing Delilah was really good!

  8. I love, love, love Fixing Delilah! I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did. :)

  9. i haven't read mice and men but i've heard great things!

  10. Oh I loved of Mice and Men. I even cried...

    Happy Reading this week.


  11. Don't judge me, but I hated Of Mice And Men when I read it in high school. lol. I got Freshman Year in e-book format from Putnam a couple weeks ago, was okay. Never heard of Fixing Delilah. Will have to look into it.

    Thanks for stopping by,

    Livin' Life Through Books

  12. Enjoy your books! I haven't read Sarah Ockler yet, but I want to read her new book!!

  13. Mice and Men is a must-read! It is kind of grim, though....
    I've never read any Sarah Ockler but one of her books is waiting for me at the library.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  14. Fixing Delilah was good, I really enjoyed it, though not as much as her first novel 'Twenty Boy Summer' hope you enjoy it :)

    My IMM.

  15. Oh my gosh, you have Fixing Delilah!! I just read my very first Sarah Ockler novel and absolutely LOVED it -- it was just so sweet! -- so I've been wanting to read more of her books! Hopefully Fixing Delilah is just as amazing as Bittersweet was! ;)

    Awesome mailbox this week, Paige! I hope you have an amazing weekend! :)

  16. Freshman Year looks so fun! Can't wait to read it. Also, have been wanting to read more of Sarah Ockler's books too. Hope you enjoy Fixing Delilah.

    Happy reading, Paige!

  17. I haven't read Mice of men in years, I have to admit it wasn't my favourite book but the classics are important.

    Enjoy your books, Great IMM :)

  18. Oh, we read Of Mice and Men in school too! One of the few I could actually read, lol.

    Hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by!

  19. Wow Great IMM! Fixing delilah looks good!
    my IMM is

  20. I loved Of Mice and Men! (I actually enjoyed most of my "required" reading with an exception of two books. I'm a bit weird ;))

    Hope you enjoy it and the other two!

  21. Freshman Year looks fun, I can't wait to read it as well. Of Mice and Men is always great too!
    - Jessica at Book Sake

  22. Sarah Ockler! I've seen her name everywhere, but I have yet to read one of her books. :O

    Happy Reading!

    iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books

  23. Awesome haul I really want to read Freshman Year!

    Xpresso Reads

  24. ohhhh Freshman Year sounds soo good! I hope you enjoy it!! Thanks so much for visiting My IMM!

  25. Thanks for stopping by my IMM! I hope you enjoy your books this week too! Book Savvy Babe

  26. Great set! Yay for the Zeitlin book. I can't wait to read it.
    My IMM

  27. I love DAC ARC tours! I've gotten some great books for them. I love that you listed books you got for school LOL. Thanks for stopping by!

  28. I did get faster at reading the more I read. Well up to a point. Don't give up. Thanks for checking out my IMM.

  29. Admittedly, I didn't totally love Fixing Delilah, but I loved Bittersweet and want to read her other book, too. Maybe you'll like it more than me! :)

  30. I really wanna read Freshman Year & Other Natural Disasters; it looks great.
    Happy Reading!
    :) Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

  31. Fixing Delilah! I love Sarah Ockler. Twenty Boy Summer was amazing, I can't wait to read everything else by her. Great mailbox! Thanks for stopping by mine!

  32. I got FRESHMAN YEAR last IMM. It looks like such a cute read. Hope you enjoy it and your other two books too (even though one is for school).

  33. Nice books! Fixing Delilah seems like it might be good. I remember Of Mice and Men. Not my cup of tea, but if it's required you might as well enjoy it.
    Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog!

  34. I hadn't heard of Freshman Year. I'll have to check it out.
    Thanks for stopping by our IMM!


  35. Great IMM! Freshman Year sounds awesome. hope you enjoy the books!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    My Cute Bookshelf

  36. I'm not familiar with two of those books, but I really enjoyed Of Mice and Men when I had to read it in high school. Hopefully you will as well, and if you don't, it's as pretty short book. :)

    Thanks for stopping by Working For The Mandroid!


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