
02 February 2012

January Wrap Up Post for 2012 challenges!

Hi followers so i'm hoping to make this quick and easy because i'm in pain and i'm hoping to take a nap after i post this! So for this year i've taken part in a lot of challenges and so far i've made some pretty good progress so i'd like to share that with you. Below i'll but the challenge buttons then the list of books i've read this month! oh and if you click on the title it'll take you to my review.

Ditched By: Robin Mellom
Fracture By: Megan Miranda
Never Eighteen By: Megan Bostic

Fracture By: Megan Miranda
Never Eighteen By: Megan Bostic

The Future of Us By: Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler

Megan Miranda
Jay Asher
Carylon Mackler
Megan Bostic

Night World By: L.J. Smith
Fracture By: Megan Miranda
The Future of Us By: Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler
Never Eighteen By: Megan Bostic

Fracture By: Megan Miranda
Never Eighteen By: Megan Bostic

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