
01 March 2012

ARC Review The Calling By: Kelley Armstrong

The Calling (Darkness Rising, #2)The Calling by Kelley Armstrong

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***Spoiler Alert! Last Paragraph! (Sorry guys I tried but I couldn't hold it in!)***
What can I say? I absolutely cannot get enough of Kelley Armstrong’s writing. I’ve read all of her YA books that are out right now and I’ve loved every single one! Including this one. I’m still debating weather I like this Trilogy or The Darkest Powers Trilogy more. I’ll figure it out after I read the last book. The Calling is a companion novel to her first in the trilogy The Gathering. It’s about a girl named Maya who has a strong passion for animals and lets just say her passion for animals turns into something much more in this book.

Maya is such a strong character. I can’t imagine going through what she goes through. First of all being adopted and then knowing there’s something different about her and a few friends she just can’t figure out what. She loses some friends and her boyfriend well she thinks she loses him, and she’s still not out of the woods even by the end of the book. It’s Maya’s character that really keeps me going. Even though she’s gone through all this she still keeps pushing through to save the ones she loves.

Daniel who is Mayas best friend is also really awesome. He’s basically my dream guy friend because no matter what he’s always there for Maya keeping her safe and sane for that matter. He won’t let her get in harms way no matter what is happening. Part of me kind of wanted them to be together but I decided against it because I didn’t want anything to happen to their friendship.

Lastly there’s Rafe. Oh my god Rafe! He is my absolute favorite guy character even though I don’t always agree with the things he does. I’m sorry for the spoilers guys but when he let go off Mayas hands on that helicopter my heart sank and it wasn’t a good feeling, so you can imagine when they got home and Rafe came walking out of the woods I squealed with joy and I even hugged my cat until she scratched me! Just goes to show you how much I love my characters.

Anyways I give The Calling 5 out of 5 stars because I couldn’t put the book down no matter how tired I was I had to keep reading! I mean really it’s 2 am and instead of sleeping I’m writing this review because I don’t want to forget a single detail. I can’t wait for more of Kelley’s writing because she is absolutely fabulous when it comes to writing!

View all my reviews


  1. Great review :D I am dying to read this book. So excited :D But, uhm, a bit nervous.. are Maya and Rafe apart for the entire book? And if not, for how long? I want romance, damn it! Hih :D:D
    Love, Carina

    1. Well i don't want to say too much but yes they are apart for a good part of the book. I agree with you though i wanted a lot of romance too! But still read the book it was really good.

  2. I've read all of Kelley's other books but I haven't started this series yet. Nice review!


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