
02 March 2012

Review Copy Cleanup Challenge #1 Showing off My Pile

Hi guys! So were finally in March which means it's time for the Review Copy Clennup which hosted by Nyx Book Reviews & Books, Biscuits & Tea and is a challenge for us bloggers to have fun reading the many many many review books that we have to read! So anyways today marks the first mini challenge inside of the big challenge. The Mini challenge is for us participants to show off what were planning to read for the challenge! I have a lot of review books to get to this month and who knows how many i'll get to but here they are!

Clockwise By: Elle Strauss

Here By: Denise Grover Swank

The Keeper By: Natalie Star

Letters In Cardboard Boxes By: Abby Slovin

Destined To Fail By: Samantha March

The Edumacation of Jay Baker By: Jay Clark

Entangled By: Nikki Jefford

Frozen In Time  By: Marie Symeou

Grave Marcy By: Robin LaFevers

Intangible By: J. Meyers

Marked By; Kim Richardson

Narrative Loserdom (From Journal One) By: Ryan Collins

So that is my full list of review books right now! I'm completely overloaded! Thanks for stopping by =)


  1. I haven't heard of any of these! I love the cover of the Letters in Cardboard Boxes, it sounds good too. Happy reading =)

    1. The cover is one of the things that brought me to the book =)

  2. You have some great books. The cover of Entangled is gorgeous!

    1. Omg I know it is! I actually was surprised because I commented on a post and said the same thing and then the author contacted me and asked if I wanted to review it it was awesome =)

  3. This is the reason why I don't update my to-read pile in Goodreads, it's just so overwhelming! But in the spirit of sharing, let me start with these:

    1. Grave Suprise- C. Harris
    2. Heart of Perdition
    3. Sacrificial Magic - S. Kane
    4. Royal Street
    5. The Prophet
    and much much more!

    You got a good solid list here :)

    1. Awesome list! You should participate in the challenge if your not already =)

  4. such awesome books!! I really want to read entangled! Cant wait to hear what you think of it.

  5. I'm really excited about Clockwise. I've had it since way before I even signed up for the blog tour. It just caught my attention and so did Here. I missed signing up for the Here blog tour but I bought the book when it came out but just haven't had the time to read it yet. I'm also super excited about Grave Mercy. It sounds awesome. Good luck, happy reading, and thanks for checking out my pile!

  6. I'm gonna add Marked, Intangible and Entangled to my reading list. You've got some cool books on your pile. Hope you enjoy them :)

    My Review Pile.

  7. I love the cover of Here! It's so creepy and dark. I believe almost everyone has Grave Mercy on their list, hehe. Anyway, I hope you enjoy them all and best of luck!

    My RCC Pile

  8. I've heard great things about Grave Mercy! :) And quite many of you are reading it this month - it'll be interesting to hear what everyone thinks of it!

    Good luck! x

  9. Oh, lots of books to get through! Here looks real good. o: Although I'm kind of unfamiliar with the rest! Good luck.

  10. Great pile! We share some of those.

    Here's my totally insane huge pile -

  11. Wow you've got a lot of books there! Lots of luck reaching all your goals! Entangled and Grave Mercy look really good!

    BTW: I like your new 3 column style ;)

    1. Thanks i thought it was easier then having everything on one side.

  12. Holy cow that's a lot of books! This challenge is a great idea! I planned on reading all/most of my netgalley reads this month, too.

    BTW, I'm a new follower that found you via RazOrbill.


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)