
09 March 2012

In My Mailbox 25

Hey guys! It's friday which means it's time for another IMM! So I have a bigger load then I did last week. I won a few then I bought one with my Buzz Bucks! So anyways here's what I got this week.

Won from Megan @ Read It, See It
Ruthless (Pretty Little Liars #10) By: Sara Shepard

Won from Goodreads
Yesterday's Dead By: Pat Bourke

Bought off RandomBuzzers via Buzz Bucks
Unleashed By: Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie


  1. Wow! You won 2 contests! Congrats! You seem to win a lot of them!! I really liked Unleashed! It was quite different from the duo's other books, but still awesome! I have a review up of it somewhere!

    My IMM will be up on Sunday, like always!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. hahahaha Jake is hilarious! I was cracking up watching this video.

    Congrats on all the wins too. You always have the best luck when it comes to giveaways.

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  3. Congrats on both of your wins!!!

    Thanks for stopping by LIO!

  4. Congrats on your wins Paige !!
    I so have to start reading the Pretty Little Liars book series as I'm a huge fan of the TV show !
    Great haul :)

  5. I need to start the Pretty Little Liars series soon. Great haul! Thanks for stopping by my IMM!

  6. One of my friends is a huge PLL fan so I'm sure she'd be jumping up and down if she saw this :) Great IMM Paige!

    Books, Biscuits & Tea

  7. I've never won anything from goodreads so congrats! I have better luck on blogs lol I haven't read any of the Pretty Little Liars books but I like the show. Great haul!
    My IMM

  8. Oohh Congrats on winning!! I haven't even read a PLL book yet!

    Giselle @
    In My Mailbox #19

  9. Congratulations on your wins! Good books too!

  10. I don't think I have seen any of these books around- I hope you enjoy them!

    Short and Sweet Reviews

  11. Not only have I never won anything from Goodreads, I've never hear of anyone who did. Way to go!!!!!

  12. I haven't started reading the extra PLL books yet, but I hope I get to them eventually. Happy reading this week :]

  13. Congrats on the wins! Unleashed looks pretty good!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  14. Your a big winner this week and got some awesome books!

    I hope you enjoy them!

    Here's my mailbox

  15. I have Ruthless but I haven't read it yet :)
    My IMM:

  16. I need to read PLL so badly! Thanks for stopping by!

    Preet @ AWR

  17. sounds like some good read this week :) Thanks for stopping by my IMM! Book Savvy Babe

  18. Unleashed looks good!! Congrats on all of your winnings!!! My IMM is

  19. Ohhhh awesome books!!! I hope you enjoy everything :) Lucky you winning stuff off Goodreads!

  20. Congrats on your wins! I hope you enjoy them!

    Here's my IMM

  21. Congrats on your book wins. I stopped reading PLL after #8 but am curious about the newer books. Happy reading :)

  22. Oh WOW! I had no idea that the Pretty Little Liars series was already at 10 books! I haven't read any of them but I love the TV show, so I really need to catch up! ;) And congrats on winning the books that you won too -- it's always fun when Firstreads rewards you! ;)

    Awesome mailbox this week, Paige! :) Enjoy them all!

  23. I never realized Pretty Little Liars have published 10 books to the series. Oh wow. Guess I'll never be able to start this series since I've been so far behind. Have a lovely week, Paige!

  24. Interesting stack. I got Unleashed a while back before it first came out and can't wait to read the next one in the series. You're so lucky you've actually gotten stuff off of random buzzers. I've had at least four books from them and have yet to receive even one!

    Thanks for stopping by,

    Livin' Life Through Books

  25. Great haul! I only got as far as book 3 in the PLL series I should really keep going I liked it!

    Xpresso Reads

  26. I keep forgetting that the PLL series is continuing! I love the show so I might as well keep going, right? ;)

  27. WOW! Winning a book on goodreads is like winning the lottery! haha Awesome! I LOVE the PLL series sooo much! You MUST read book 1 pronto! lol

  28. That's awesome you've won more than one contest! That rocks! Lucky girl :D I've only read book one in the PLL series - so I'm a little far behind.. haha

    I hope you love them all :D and thanks for dropping by my blog :D

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  29. Oh, great mailbox ;) Seems like interesting books :D I hope you enjoy them all :)
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  30. Yay! Congrats on winning those books! Happy reading!

  31. Congrats on winning PANDEMONIUM. Enjoy it!! Enjoy your other wins as well. I'm excited for you to win something off of Goodreads! <3

  32. I'd like to find some time to read the Pretty Little Liars books. Maybe someday. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  33. Great IMM! I have had Unleashed on my TBR pile for a long while. I hope you enjoy all:)

  34. feeling lame, I havent read any of those! lol and hmm I think I need to get in on this random buzzers deal! sounds interesting

  35. Oh I wanna get my hands on unleashed! Congrats on your wins and enjoy your books :)


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