
07 March 2012

Waiting On Wednesday

Happy Hump day! So you guys know what day it is Wednesday which means it's time for Waiting on Wednesday hosted by Breaking The Spine. What you do is showcase one or more books that you can't wait for. But they have to be books that aren't out yet don't forget about that! So here's my WoW for this week!

Spark By: Amy Kathleen Ryan

So the reason I want this so badly is because I read Glow and I really liked it. But also because Glow had a real cliff hanger and I need to find out what happens so bad!

I'd like to see what books you guys can't wait for this week. So be sure to leave your links below so I can check them out =)


  1. Nice! Haven't heard of this one. Don't you just love and hate cliffhangers? They can be really good but what sucks is the waiting between books!!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I haven't started the Sky Chaser series yet but I have heard many good things about it.

  3. Great pick! I really enjoyed Glow and am looking forward to this one as well.

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW:

  4. Good pick! Amy is a friend of mine, and she's also one awesome writer! I'm looking forward to reading it myself!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)