
19 March 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Hi everyone! Where here on another Monday for another It's Monday What Are You Reading? Created by Sheila over @ Book Journey, and what we do is wrap-up all the books we've read since last week. Which would include the books we've finished since last week, the ones were currently reading and what we plan on reading next week! So here is my Monday Wrap-Up!


One For The Murphys By: Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Loved this book so so much! You can check out my review here!

The Lost Saint By: Bree Despain

Still in love with this series! Bree never ceases to amaze me =) You can check out my review here

Currently Reading-

Letters In Cardboard Boxes By: Abby Slovin

Starting to enjoy this one but i still got a little bit to go i'm hoping to at least finish it before April!

Pandemonium By: Lauren Oliver

Well this one wasn't on my TBR list for this month but I cheated and started reading it anyways for many reasons! 

I hope you guys had an awesome reading list this week! Make sure to leave your links below! Happy Monday =D


  1. Great reads! I'm still deciding if I want to read Pandemonium or not. :)

  2. oh wow One for the Murphy sounds awesome and new to me as well!! Great reads!

    Xpresso Reads

  3. I loved The Lost Saint too! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  4. I've been seeing Pandemonium a lot. I guess it's that good which means I need to check the series out. As for my current read, it's Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer. Your list looks fun!

  5. I've heard the Dark Devine series is really good! Pandemoniuuuuum!!!!! That's awesome - I'm really trying to restrain myself & at least read Hanna & a couple more of the books from my TBR stack before I buy it. No promises though hahaa. Enjoy all your new reads! <3

  6. Niiice! I hope to get to the Dark Divine very soon! May have to rearrange some of my must read nows in order to get to it though!

    Happy Reading this week!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. I really, really want to read "The Lost Saint!" Great book choices! I've read "Pandemonium" and it's absolutely amazing!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!! :)


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)