
27 March 2012

Teaser Tuesday

Yes it's Tuesday and even though it's another day closer to Friday i'm bummed today because it feels like Monday! Anyways it's time for another Teaser Tuesday creaated by MizB over at Should Be Reading. Anyone can join in with us you just have to follow these rules.

1. Grab your current read.
2. Open to a random page.
3. Share two teaseer sentences from somewhere on that page.
4. Becareful not to share spoilers, you don't want to ruin the book for the rest of us.
5. Make sure you include the Title & Author so we can add it to our TBR if we like it!

Here's my Teaser:
being friends with boys by: Terra Elan McVoy

When the final vibrations of "Cage Song" dissipate around us, an enormus wave of cheering washes over me. Oliver moves up beside me to take his place at the mic again, touches my elbow lightly. "Awesome, Spider," he whispers.

Just got this one via Around The World ARC Tours and I'm struggiling to finish it on time because I wasn't at home to get it in time but i'm hoping to finish it before Saturday! I hope you guys like the teaser. Leave your links below and Happy Teasing!


  1. Interesting teaser - I hadn't heard of this book!

  2. It sounds good !! Looking forward to read your review on this one Paige :)


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)