
28 March 2012

Waiting On Wednesday

Happy Wednesday Guys! Today's post is going to be as quick as possible because i'm not feeling well. But anyways it's time for Waiting on Wednesday created by Jill @ Breaking The Spine where we show off the book(s) we can't wait for! So here are the books I can't wait for!

Rapture By: Lauren Kate

I love this series so far! I know it's probably weird because I've only read Fallen which is the first book but I still love it and I can't wait for this one!

Reached By: Ally Condie

Still haven't read Crossed but I am so going to read it soon!
I know when i'm done with that one i'll want to get my hands on this one too!

Thanks for stopping by and I can't wait to see what you guys can't wait for this week! Leave your links below! =)


  1. I feel like the only person on Earth who hasn't read either of these series! It's so sad! I keep wanting to start Matched, but of course the TBR pile is a mile high at the moment. Hope to get to it soon!

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  2. Hi! I didn't read the Ally Condie's series yet....But I really enjoy Lauren Kate's series so far! I didn't even know that Rapture was pat of this series: I have to read Passion before!

    Here's mine: WOW

  3. I've heard great things about the Matched trilogy. Hope you enjoy Reached ;)

    My WoW

  4. hmm not a fan of lauren kate to be honest, and i haven't read matched or crossed thoughI have both books. Hoping to love them, and I'm sure i will since they ARE dystopian :P

    - juhina

  5. I just started reading Fallen and so far, I not lovving it but I still need to give it a chance. I do love the covers, they are so pretty! I read the first book in the Matched series and liked it so i'm looking forward to other books as well.

  6. I'm also really excited about Reached! Eeek! And the cover for Rapture is so beautiful! Great picks this week! :)

  7. OOoh nice!! The covers even have a theme, seeing the heroine's back! Pretty cool!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Great picks! I love the Fallen series. I met Lauren Kate recently and she said its her favorite cover and she feels she got the story just right. Can't wait. Thabks for sharing!

  9. I gave up on the Matched series, I read book one and barely made it through then with book two I had to stop half way through because the whole thing felt very pointless to me. I hope you enjoy it once you get your hands on a copy though :)

  10. I'm looking forward to Reached as well. That was my pick a couple weeks back.

    I really must read the Fallen series!

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW:

  11. I haven't read either series yet, but I've heard great things about them. Good choices :) Thanks for stopping my WoW!

  12. Lauren Kate's Fallen is probably the only angel series I've read and love. I'm very excited to read how it all ends. Excited and nervous :D

  13. YES for both of these!! I find that the Fallen series and Matched series are two that a lot of bloggers either love or hate, but I'm still excited to read the conclusions for them! Especially Reached because I seriously ADORE the Matched series and the ending of Crossed kind of killed me! x)

    Awesome pick for your WOW this week, Paige! I hope you have an awesome Wednesday! :)

  14. I must be the only one who has never read the Matched series, and I have no idea why since those covers are amongst the best I've seen.
    Great WoW, and happy reading!

    My WoW

  15. Ally Condie has such gorgeous covers. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I'm not a fan of these two series but I love both of these covers :) !!

  17. I have not read anything by Lauren Kate, but great chocie for Reached. I still have Crossed in my TBR pile that seems to be taking forever to get through.


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)