
27 April 2012

Clockwise Book Blog Tour: Review & Giveaway

Today I am very excited to share with you my review of Clockwise by Elle Strauss and a fun giveaway which you can check out below, after my review. As you can imagine I'm extremely excited because I loved this book =) So first let me give a little attention to the wonderful people who made this tour possible! The tour is hosted by Leisha who works with Julie over at A Tale of Many Review Blog Tours! (They host some awesome tours and I'm apart of quite a few of the YA ones so go check them out!) Now let's check out a little bit about the book before I share with you my review and giveaway shall we?

Goodreads Summary:
Casey Donovan has issues: hair, height and uncontrollable trips to the 19th century! And now this --she’s accidentally taken Nate Mackenzie, the cutest boy in the school, back in time. Awkward.

Protocol pressures her to tell their 1860 hosts that he is her brother and when Casey finds she has a handsome, wealthy (and unwanted) suitor, something changes in Nate. Are those romantic sparks or is it just “brotherly” protectiveness?

When they return to the present, things go back to the way they were before: Casey parked on the bottom of the rung of the social ladder and Nate perched high on the very the top. Except this time her heart is broken. Plus, her best friend is mad, her parents are split up, and her younger brother gets escorted home by the police. The only thing that could make life worse is if, by some strange twist of fate, she took Nate back to the past again.

Which of course, she does.
My Review:
Wow I really liked everything about this book. The concept of time traveling? I mean come on that’s so awesome and the characters that was my second favorite part they were really realistic and I wish something like what happened to Casey happened to me =)

First I want to talk about the plot. I wasn’t sure how interested I would be because going back in time? Ehh some people might think that would be boring but it really wasn’t Casey made it fun and suspenseful every time she went back. Now It probably would be hard for her in the future with her time traveling but I feel like she’ll be okay as long as she has Nate because he really understood everything and was so sweet.

Casey was one of my favorite characters because she never took time traveling for granted she never tried to change the past even though I bet a lot of people would be tempted to try. All she did when she got there was made sure she and whoever she happened to accidentally bring along survived which I really liked about her. She didn’t really complain much but if she did a little I wouldn’t of minded because she deserved too.

At first when Casey accidentally brought Nate I figured it’d be a one time thing and Nate would think she was crazy and make her life a living hell but it was the total opposite which I’m so glad about. I loved that Nate was so worried about her when she traveled and I love that he was there every time she got in trouble when they traveled. I’m so happy they ended up together <3

I give this book 10 out of 5 stars because it was just that good! The story was very shocking and suspenseful in a really good way and I loved it! I can’t wait to read the next book.

Would you like to know where you can find the author? Of course you do because you want to get your hands on a copy of this and her second book too! You can sign up for her newsletter here and you can find her on facebook here!

Now it's time for my giveaway Woot Woot! What is up for grabs? An e-copy of Destined by Jessie Harrell thats what =) So just fill in the rafflecopter form below and you'll be entered to win! Thanks for stopping by everybody and one last thing go here to find the tour schedule for The Clockwise Tour!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. No I haven't read read any books by them but they look good!!!

  2. I haven't read any of their books yet, but would like to.

  3. no i havent read any books of those authors, but i m really looking forward to reading them!!! thanks for the amazing chance to read them!!!

  4. I have read Clockwise by Elle but nothing by Jessie. I loved Clockwise also. I would love to win a copy of Destined it sounds great.

  5. I literally read Clockwise 2 days ago. It was fantastic!! I've been wanting to read Destined sooooo badly!!

  6. I have clockwiser but I haven't read it yet! :)

  7. i read clockwise by elle strauss and i really enjoyed it. i want to read the sequel really badly!


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