
27 April 2012

In My Mailbox 32

Wow okay so this is the third time I've written this post which is really annoying considering how long it is! It keeps deleting itself I'm about to throw my lap top! Haha anyways let's get started. It's Friday which unfortunately means my week off from school has ended but I'm okay with this because we only have a month left until summer! Okay In My Mailbox is created by Kristi over at The Story Siren where we show off all of the books we've gotten this week. Also this week I want to start something new! Bonnie over at A Backwords Story along with her IMM every week does a weekly Re-cap type thing and I decided that I want to do that too! So i'm going to start doing weekly re-caps along with my IMM's giving Bonnie full credit of course because thats who I'm copying from =D Here are the books I've gotten this week.

Won from Grace @ Books of Love:
Fearscape by Simon Holt

Bought at The Used Book Superstore:
The Face on The Milk Carton by Caroline B. Cooney
The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey

For Review:
Shut Up by Anne Tibbets

***Edited In***
After I made this video I checked my email and noticed that Shut Up was a review request that I had forgotten thats how I recieved the book. Also now that I think about it I think I put Fearscape in my IMM when I got it but I can't quite remember who knows!

Weekly Re-Cap!

Reviews in the last week:
Divergent by Veronica Roth
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
Slide by Jill Hathaway
Clockwise by Elle Strauss

Posts in the last week:
Dark Days Re-cap
It's Monday What Are You Reading?
Waiting on Wednesday

Book Tours in the last week:
The Light Tamer by Devyn Dawson Tour (Excerpt)
Clockwise by Elle Strauss Tour (Review)

Current Giveaways:
e-copy of The Light Tamer by Devyn Dawson
e-copy of Destined by Jessie Harrell

Well that's it for now! Thank you everyone who stopped by and feel free to leave links to your IMM's and anything else you want me to check out!


  1. Your books on your shelf back there are getting fantastic buddies!

  2. OOh nice! Haven't read these, even the incredible retro Face on the Milk Carton! I think we might still have that book, not sure if it got donated at some point or not!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Great haul Paige :)
    I read the first two books in Simon Holt's series and I liked them a lot, I thought they were pretty creepy !! Happy reading ;)

  4. I always forget to add stuff to my IMM. Nothing I can do. I try to add it to the next's weeks tho. Happy Reading and grats on your win!


  5. I haven't read any of the books in your IMM :) But yay! You read Divergent :D


  6. Awesome haul! Shut Up looks great :)

    Drop by my mailbox?

  7. I always forget stuff as well, then work it in later. Nice haul. Thanks for stopping by earlier.


  8. Hm. I haven't heard of any of these except the Caroline B. Cooney novel. Hope you enjoy your books! :)

    Thanks for stopping by,
    @ Livin' Life Through Books

  9. I actually read the first Holt book THE DEVOURING and it creeped me the heck out. I had to read it all in one night and stayed up the rest. Too creepy for me but if you like scary books then go for it! Hope you enjoy all your books this week!

  10. Wow, I've never heard of these! The Face on the Milk Carton sounds really funny, I'll have to check it out :D Great IMM!

  11. Fun books Paige! Thanks for stopping by Libby Blog! I really need to read Monstrumologist! It's been on my list to read FOREVER! :) Here's Our Week in Books @Libby Blog! Happy reading!

  12. Immortal Rules was popular this week, I read and reviewed it too :) Thanks so much for stopping by my Sunday Post, happy reading- Book Savvy Babe

  13. So I haven't read any of these before however you mentioned you'd like to get your hands on the first two books in the devouring series so I looked them up. You can get hardcover copies on Amazon for $6.80 each. It's the same price for both The Devouring and Soulstice. Now I'm not your mom, but if my daughter mentioned wanting a book that was that cheap for a new hardcover copy I'd buy it if I had the extra cash. Most books anymore brand new cost a lot more than that. So you can get both of them there for less than the cost of one book at Barnes and Noble. Maybe you can work out some sort of chore payment thing to get her to buy them for you. Anyway hopefully that helps with getting the rest of the series.My daughter's a lot younger than you, she's not quite 12 yet, her current book favorites are Dork Diaries and she took me for a lot more than $13.20 at Barnes and Noble last weekend. But she probably gets away with it because her brothers don't read unless I make them and I love the fact that at least one of my three reads. Occasionally my kid will read something I recommend but for the most part she's marching to the beat of her own drum :) Reviewed Immortal Rules this week too, well I read it a while ago but saved the review for release day because I don't like to post reviews for unreleased books way before they come out. Anyway great IMM and good luck getting the rest of that series.

  14. I mean $13.60. Seriously I can add, I just can't type lol.

  15. Sweetheart!! <3 <3 <3

    great haul!! enjoy all of your books! =D thnx for stopping by ^.^

    Dazzling Reads

  16. Caroline B. Cooney!!! Oh my gosh LOL I'm pretty sure I used to read a ton of her books as a kid! The Face on the Milk Carton? A classic CBC book! I'm pretty sure I loved it, but I think I might've also been afraid of it although I have no idea why... Might have to refresh my memory soon LOL x)

    Awesome book haul, Paige! Hope you enjoy them all! :)

  17. Awesome books in this IMM, Paige! Hope you enjoy them all, and thanks for stopping by mine. :) xxx

  18. I Loved Face on the Milk Carton. Wow I haven't read it in forever though. Hope you enjoy!

    Happy Reading
    Doodle @Doodle Bugs Bookshelf

  19. Wow - I can remember reading some great Caroline B Cooney books many moons ago but not heard much from her recently...hope you enjoy them all! :)

  20. I haven't heard of any of them lol But I hope you enjoy them all

  21. I've wanted to read The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey for awhile - it looks really good!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  22. Great books this week. I want to read The Monstrumologist, so I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

    Chloe @ YA Booklover Blog

  23. I haven't read the Devouring series but I've been thinking about trying it for a while now definitely sounds interesting! Hope you enjoy your books and happy reading! :)

    My Haul

  24. Seeing The Face on the Milk Carton makes me want to reread that series. (Even though I've already read each book 5 or 6 times!) Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  25. The Face on the Milk Carton sounds interesting! I think it also got a cover revision in it's latest release or something.

    Great mailbox Paige! Thanks for stopping by mine. I hope you heave a great Sunday :)

  26. Hey Paige!

    You've been busy :) I hope you'll have a great week!

  27. Oh man, I loved The Face on the Milk Carton when I was a teen! I had totally forgotten about that book.

  28. Hope you enjoy your new reads!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    :) Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

  29. Hi Paige! Hope you enjoy your books!

  30. The Devouring looks good! I have added The Devouring series to my Wishlist :)

    I hope you enjoy all your new books!

    Thanks for stopping by my STS:


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)