
21 April 2012

Dark Days Event Re-Cap!

Last night I got to go to my very first book signing! Woot Woot! I had the pleasure of meeting Dan Wells (Author of Partials), Kimberly Derting (Author The Body Finder Series), and Jill Hathaway (Author of Slide) I had an awesome time and you guys can hear all about it by watching my video above and below you can see the couple pictures that were taken!

Picture Time!

The Three Authors (Dan, Kimberly, and Jill)

Me getting Partials Signed!
 Jill Signing my book!
Me with the ladies! (Kimberly, Me, Jill)                                  

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your first book signing event. I've yet to go to one, so you're way ahead of me. Lol. Slide was a pretty good novel. Enjoy your haul!

    Thanks for stopping by,
    @ Livin' Life Through Books


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