
20 April 2012

In My Mailbox 31

I'm in such a good mood today guys! First of all, I just got back from an awesome Dark Days Signing! Which I had the awesome opportunity of meeting Dan Wells, Kimberly Derting, and Jill Hathaway! All fantastic authors. So anyways It's time for another IMM which is created by Kristi over @ The Story Siren and you guys know what to do! Leave comments/links below! (P.S. Sorry about all the ranting and Onion Rings! Which were all eaten by the time I was done with the video I only got 1! =( )

For Review:
The Secret Life of the Scarlet Stone By: T.L. Clarke

Bought from The Used Book Superstore:
The Au Pairs By: Melissa de la Cruz
Jinx By: Meg Cabot
Evernight By: Claudia Gray
Possession By: Elana Johnson

Bought from The Dark Days Signing:
Slide By: Jill Hathaway 
Partials By: Dan Wells

Plus my drivers ed book haha!

Also check out my Giveaway going on right now! It's pretty awesome =)
And it would be awesome if some of you could like my new Facebook page!


  1. wow Great haul Paige, Enjoy them all. x


  2. Evernight is a very good read, I'm hoping you'll enjoy it Paige :) !
    Glad you had an awesome time at the signing .. I cant wait to read Partials so I'm glad to hear that Dan is friendly and funny :) !! Great mailbox, happy reading ! Can't wait to know what you think of Divergent !

  3. I have Evernight on my massive TBR piles as well!

    Have fun with that driver's ed book! They're so entertaining! ;)

    Good luck with that too! :D

    My IMM will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I really enjoyed Evernight and the second book in the series Stargazer. :) So lucky that you got to meet those authors at the Dark Days signing! :D

  5. Used bookstores are always good way to save money and get some books. Great haul of books. Thanks for visiting me as well.


  6. The driver's ed book might end up being the most important one lol
    Enjoy all your books!

  7. AWESOMENESS!!! Signed Books! All of the books you got look great also, thanks for stopping by my IMM... you are like the master/ninja comment-er lol!

  8. Nice mailbox! I love used bookstores, but never seem to have much luck. Meg Cabot is supposed to be pretty good, but I've never read her either, so don't feel bad. Happy reading!

    Here's my IMM.

  9. I really enjoyed Jinx and Partials. I hope you do too!

  10. Great Mailbox! I really enjoyed both Partials and Slide. Hope you'll enjoy them too! Thanks for stopping by my blog !

  11. I still haven't read Partials or Slide and I have them both. They're in my ever growing tbr pile!

    I really want to check out Possession and I read Evernight and really liked it, but I need to reread that series!

    I cracked up when the guy came in shirtless! lol
    Great haul :)


  12. Congrats on the signing! They'redap much fun. I really liked Slide and Partials is freaking awesome!
    Enjoy the books!

  13. Meeting those authors sounds like fun!

    Hahaha, drivers ed? Good luck!

  14. AHH! Love signed books! Used book stores in my area aren't really well priced so I avoid them. I mostly shop at libraries or online at The Book Depository :). Thanks for sharing and for stopping by!

  15. Slide and Partials are great reads - I loved them! SOunds like you had a fantastic signing - so jealous! I love signed books! :)

  16. ohh!!! You got a sweet stack of books! U LOVED Evernight can't wait to read your review!

  17. I enjoyed Partials and Slide! I hope you do too! :)

  18. Oh, awesome mailbox! Slide and Partials! They are on my wishlist. I have to get them soon! I liked Evernight, I hope you'll enjoy reading the book too! Happy reading! :)

    Drop by my mailbox? :)

  19. Awesome about the signing!!! Great selection of books too. I LOVED Partials.

    Thanks for stopping by Letters Inside Out!

  20. Very great haul! I want to read Partials really bad! I loved Slide! I wish I could attend more author signings. They are so cool. Evernight is pretty good and I've heard Possession is really good too. I've been wanting to read Jinx as well. Meg Cagot's books are always a lot of fun. Happy reading and thanks for visiting My IMM!

  21. I really liked Possession, Partials and Slide. That driver's Ed book sounds intriguing, too. :)

  22. Great IMM!! SOO fun to watch it!! SLIDE is a realllly great book, and im so jealous you got a signed copy!! I have a copy of partials but havent started it yet! and holy crap 40 DOLLARS for two books?! whyy is it soo expensive?? Well hope you enjoy all your books paige!! say hi to jake :P

    Farah @MajiBookshelf

  23. I have Evernight but haven't read it and my friend had and she went all crazy over it. Awesome IMM!=D (And, just FYI, I think your blog is SO cute:))

    Drop by my IMM?

  24. I'm so glad you had fun at the signing!! I want to read both of the books you got signed. Have fun with your first theme month!! I'll have to check it out :) I'll be doing my second mermaid theme again this summer, and I'm toying with one event I want to do in May. I'll announce it next week if I decide to do it :) I hope you get to pick up STORM soon. I already knwo I'm going to love it and cannot WAIT to read it after FTF! I think JINX is a stand-alone, I don't think it's part of a series. It could be. I think it's one of the only books I haven't read by her! I hope you love her! I like so many of her books! Yes, I love her SIZE 12 books! I also love her AIRHEAD trilogy, and while the first book isn't my favorite, I'm excited to read the second book in her mythology trilogy. The first is ABANDONED. Oh, and Avalon High! So much good stuff!!! Ahh, POSSESSION! Such a good book! I just got an ARC of her second book in the mail last night after I filmed IMM, so I will have it listed next week!

  25. Looks like a full Mailbox! Have fun reading them all!

    Thanks for sharing,
    My IMM -

  26. Enjoy your books this week! ;)

  27. Ohh, awesome mailbox :D Enjoy it all sweetie ;D Evernight is awesome. Partials is good ;)
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  28. YAY for your first signing!! :)

    A great place to find out about where a book falls in a series or if it's part of a series is BTW :)

  29. I've heard a lot about slide, hope you enjoy.
    Happy reading!
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  30. Awesome! Partials and Slide were both good books :) Hope you enjoy!

  31. I've heard lots of people talking about Slide, so I'll need to pick it up soon too:) Enjoy your new books!

  32. I bet you are in a good mood! The Dark Days signing looks like loads of fun and I'm so jealous you got to meet Jill Hathaway! She's such a lovely person. Looks like you had a great week in books. Hope you enjoy them!

  33. Lmao - he told you to erase that. Too was funny.

    Lucky you, I LOVE Dan Wells! Partials and I Am Not A Serial Killer are favorites of mine.

  34. Ugh - in my last comment, it should be **Too funny.

  35. I get to meet Kimberly Derting on tuesday! so excited! also Partials is awesome! you snagged some awesomeness this week! thanks for dropping by my IMM !

    happy reading!

  36. Great IMM :)

    I recently got Partials, I've heard a lot of good things about it. I hope you like it

  37. Slide and Partials look so good! Thanks for stopping by my IMM and I hope you enjoy all you got :)

  38. You got some really good books this week...Slide was a good mystery and so far I've read 3 of the books from the Evernight series and all are good. Also so jealous you got to meet Kimberly Derting..glad to see you had a great time!

  39. Great IMM this week! Slide was good---don't be fooled (like me) into thinking you know who the killer was...I thought I had it figured out in the first few chapters...BUT NO!

    Good luck with Drivers Ed :)

    Thanks for visiting my IMM,

  40. I've always wanted to read Claudia Gray's books as well. I haven't read Meg Cabot but I noticed she writes a lot of books too. And Divergent. Yay!!!

  41. very amazing in my mail box video, hope you have my handsome face in another one!!

  42. I love the Evernight Series. I hope you enjoy it too. I've heard great things about Partials and Slide. Enjoy your books!

  43. OOOH I'm SOO excited you got Partials and got to MEET Dan Wells - SO JEALOUS!! Partials rocks SO much!

    I hope you love all your books, so awesome you got the chance to meet some great authors too that rocks!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog as well :)

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  44. Some great books there Paige. I've got Evernight lurking somewhere on my bookcases, I still haven't got round to reading it yet.

    Thanks for stopping by Chocolate Chunky Munkie

    My Video IMM

  45. Love your new look :)
    I really enjoyed Evernight, Partials and Slide, so jealous of your signed copies!
    I love Divergent to and Insurgent is just as brilliant!

  46. Lots of great books! I love the Evernight series, and Partials was great as well :)

  47. Your used book store always has such awesome things! I have been pining away for Partials. I hope you enjoy that one! You got really great books this week! Enjoy them all! :)

  48. thanks for stopping my my IMM this week, happy reading! Book Savvy Babe

  49. I can't wait for Possession by Elena Johnson. I don't own it yet, but I'm super anxious for it! Happy reading! :)

    Also, thanks so much for your comment on our blog!

  50. Awesome IMM! So sorry I didn't comment on this earlier; something went wrong the URL link. Again, so sorry! I LOVED Slide! :D

    -Brad @ BookYAReview


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