
13 April 2012

In My Mailbox 30

It's Friday Friday FRIDAY! and you know what that means! Time for another In My Mailbox! Created by Kristi over at The Story Siren! Where we show off the books we get each week. This week I got two books which is the perfect amount! Click on the links below to be taken to their goodreads page.

Won from Lucy @ The Reading Date
*Signed Copy* Starters By: Lissa Price

For Review:
Blood Oath By: T.L. Clarke

So I have a few things to say before I leave you. First tell me what you think of my new blog design done by the lovely Laura over @ Pens and a Camera Lens Also I've recently made my blog a Facebook Page so If you could go check that out and possibly like it i'd be so happy! Here's the link!


  1. I've heard great things about Starters! I hope you'll like it (:

  2. Your vlog is so cute. Liking your page now

  3. Paige, you can get the first book by T.L. Clarke at Amazon. Great cover for that book. Mine will be up tomorrow.


  4. Awesome haul Paige :) !!
    I have a copy of Starters too and I can't wait to start reading it .. Looking forward to know what you think of it !!
    I loooooooove your new design, the colours look awesome ! Happy reading !

  5. Woow! Starters :) I've heard great things about it too :) And I like your new design ;) ;)

  6. Yay glad you received Starters :) Love the new blog design - very pretty!
    Happy reading, Paige!

  7. I love your new design!!!

    And, oooh, Starters is such a good book, hope you enjoy it!

  8. I hope you enjoy your books!!!
    Here's my IMM:

    Will you like my facebook page for my blog?

    I just liked yours :) Cool design too!!!

  9. I love the colours, the purple and blue is really eye catching. I've liked your facebook page too!

    Enjoy your books this week Paige:)

  10. I can't wait to read Starters :D
    The new blog looks great! I recently got mine redone too! lol

  11. Hey! You have a new blog design! Very nice!
    Enjoy your books!

  12. Signed copy of The Starters! Awesome! I love the new design! I was confused when I first got here before. I had to look around to see who's blog I was at lol Thanks for visiting My IMM!

  13. Blood Oath looks pretty awesome. I'll have to check out the first in the series. I feel just like you and can't read the second in the series until I've read the first. lol.

    Thanks for stopping by,
    @ Livin' Life Through Books

  14. They both look awesome! I have Starters waiting on my on my Nook and really want to read it soon!! It's so awesome that it's signed! Blood Oath looks really good also... I can't read series out of order either lol. Great book Haul and thanks for stopping by Bengal Reads and checking out my IMM! Happy Reading :)

    Kayla @ Bengal Reads

  15. Great design. I have Starters to read as well but I might not get to it until June either. So many books! For some reason, the only books I can read out of order are cozy mysteries, otherwise I hate doing that too. I like your vlog, thanks for sharing with me.

  16. Yay! Awesome mailbox :) Hope you enjoy it all ;D I also have Starters. A bit unsure about it though ;p
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  17. I have Starters but I haven't read it yet. I'm so behind! LOL Love the new design! Thanks for stopping by! Hugs!

  18. I loved Starters! I hope you love it too! :)

  19. Wow starters cover is shiny. I've heard people mention that but you can't really tell from a picture.

    My IMM

  20. LOVE THE NEW LOOK!!! LOVE IT!!! I always had problems with blogs that were black. It always hurt my eyes to stay to long on them. Not that you needed to know that just thought I would put that in.
    Thank you for stopping by my IMM.
    I am dying to read Starters!

    Great haul this week.
    Happy Reading.


  21. Oooh, congrats on winning Starters!

  22. Congrats on winning Starters, Paige -- I've heard some really cool things about that book and I hope you like it too! Plus, that cover looks so gorgeous in person. It's shimmery and shiny and a little bit creepy, which definitely add up to awesomeness! :) Blood Oath sounds like a really cool book too!

    Awesome mailbox, Paige! I hope you enjoy both of your books! :)

  23. YAY for Starters! I found a signed copy at Anderson's this week when we were there too! :D Check out our IMM this week! Happy reading!

  24. I can't wait to read Starters and you got a signed copy! That's awesome! I haven't heard of Blood Oath, but I'll definitely check it out. I really like your new blog design, it's nice and simple, and I love the colors :0)

  25. I soooo know that feeling of not wanting to read the second (or third, or fourth...) book of a series without having read the earlier book(s). I hate doing that, too! Hope you're going to find a solution and enjoy BLOOD OATH and STARTERS. :)

    Fictional Distraction

  26. I really, REALLY liked Starters. It was an interesting book.

    Your blog looks very cute!

  27. I'm excited to read STARTERS! I still have an ARC *guilty* Sadly, I had GLOW before it released, too, but I haven't had time to read it! It might go on NG. Keep an eye out! I used it from a different galley program that I have access to through work. Most of the stuff on there is also on NetGalley at som epoint! Enjoy!

  28. Oooh, Starters looks so superly awesome. I hope you love it. And your new design is cute! Happy reading. :D

  29. I like it more when I get a doable amount of books, haha. Love the new layout, it's adorable. Thanks for stopping by!

  30. Starters is awesome! our gonna love it! and you new design is sweet and simply! adore it! thanks for dropping by my IMM ! happy reading!

  31. I am realllly jealous of these books. Starters looks awesome- I DO WANT too!

    My IMM:

  32. I've heard Starters is wonderful. I haven't read any reviews of blood Oath, but it looks good. Enjoy!

  33. Very nice design! And a nice collection of new books too :)

  34. Yay for getting a signed book! Great mailbox hun! Thank you for stopping by!!

  35. Starters was an awesome read even though I was a little bored. But that might just be me. Blood Oath looks interesting too! Happy reading!

    Giselle from
    In My Mailbox

  36. Hey PAige,

    I'm like you, if a book can be stand alone I still have to read the first book. I love the cover to Blood Oath:D

    Happy reading:D


  37. Great set! Congrats on winning Starters. Enjoy.
    My IMM

  38. love that cover on blood oath, happy reading!! Thanks for stopping by my IMM, Book Savvy Babe

  39. Blood Oath looks pretty good. I LOVE the colors of your new layout. It's nice and clean, which I also adore!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  40. I enjoyed Starters. I didn't love it as much as everyone else seems to have, but I do still want a finished copy. Your signed one is pretty spiffy, though ;]

  41. The Starters sounds really good, I've been meaning to give it a try. Happy reading! :)

    Maria @ Fantasy's Ink

  42. Ooh great haul I really enjoyed Starters it's a lot of fun!

    Xpresso Reads

  43. Awesome haul this week! Hope you enjoy them!
    Donna xoxo

  44. Great week! I really like your new design!! :)

  45. Thanks for checking out my IMM this week! Your new design looks great. :-) How awesome that you won a signed copy of Starters! I loved that book so much and can only hope that I'll have the opportunity to have it signed sometime.

  46. I love the new layout! Nice, fresh colors.

  47. Lucky girl! A signed copy of Starters! That book is great!

  48. I haven't heard of either of those books, but I hope you enjoy them! Thanks for stopping by my IMM :)

  49. I like the new blog design. I haven't heard of either book but will look them up. Have a great weekend! :)

  50. Starters is a fun read. I love the new blog look!

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM!
    :) Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

  51. Hope you enjoy both of your books! Starters is on my Wishlist, but Blood Oath looks really good too!

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM:


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