
13 April 2012

Here Book Tour:Author Interview!

It's Friday the 13th everyone! How is your luck treating you? Well I hope this will bring your spirits up! I'm apart of the Here Book Tour which is hosted by Julie over at A Tale of Many Review Book Blog Tours. Here was written by Denise Grover Swank and I would tell you a little about the book but I haven't read it yet so your just going to have to make do with the awesome interview I have for you!

So for my part on the tour I had the chance to be on the receiving end of an Interview from the author Denise Grover Swank. Here's a little bit of Info about the author before the interview.

Denise Grover Swank lives In Lee's Summit, Missouri. She has six children, three dogs, and an overreactive imagination. She can be found dancing in her kitchen with her children, reading, or writing her next book. You will rarely find her cleaning. Denise is represented by Amanda Luedeke of MacGregor Literary.

Now for the Interview!

1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Like a lot of writers, I knew I wanted to write when I was a kid. I loved to read and I had a vivid imagination. It seemed natural to put those daydreams in my head on paper.

2. Do you have a routine that you use to get into the right frame of mind to write?
I have to have my iTunes on with my headphones. I tend to wear my headphones even if its quiet around me. I usually sit down at ny computer and spend some time on Facebook and Twitter before I settle into writing.

3. Where do you get your ideas or inspiration for your characters?
Um, good question. I don''t base characters off of real people or people I know. My characters tend to grow organically. I'll know some characteristics about them and then let them live in my head for a few days/weeks. I really get to know them when I write them. I didn't get a really good peek at julia until I started writing that first chapter. She'd lived in my head for a month but kept herself pretty shut off from me. I had to let her tell her story to find out who she was.

4.What do you like to do when you are not writing?
I love to read. I loved to travel. I love to plant flowers in my flower beds but I'm not crazy about weeding. I've never been a big TV watcher but streaming Netflix has introduced me to a host of television shows I missed during their original run. In fact, watching an episode of the current show is often my reward for meeting word goals. I've seen Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Battlestar Galactica this way.

5. What books have most influenced your life?
As weird as this is going to sound, the books that probably influenced the realization that I could be an author were the Little House on the Prairie series. I loved those books when I was a girl, rereading them mulitple times. Once I put it together that the books were about the author's life, it took that previously abstract author title and made an acutal person to go with it. It was the first time I consciously thought, "I can be an author too."

Did you enjoy the intrerview? I sure did! Go right now and buy your copy of the book!

You ccan find out more about Denise and her other books at or email her at You can also follow her on Twitter: @DeniseMSwank or friend her on Facebook: Https:// Also to check out the other stops on the tour click here!

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