
11 April 2012

Waiting On Wednesday

Again this is going to be a fast one again because I have a midterm coming up that I need to study for! So anyways. WoW is a weekly meme created over at Breaking The Spine and this is where we show off the books that we can't wait for! So here is the one and only book that I cannot wait for this month!

Nevermore By: James Patterson

I'm jumping up and down just seeing the cover! It's been like a year since the book before this came out so i've been waiting for this one to come out for so so long!!! I'm so bolting to the store as soon as it comes out =)

So someone approched me on twitter the other day and asked if I could help get there blogs some popularity so I agreed because I was feeling generousand if you could go check out these two blogs it'd be appreciated! Deafnes, A Problem That Should Be More Health Care and ILostWeight Thanks for stopping by!


1 comment:

  1. I'm dying to read this one too! LOVE the whole series!


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