
01 June 2012

Blood Dreams Tour: This or That Interview!

Hola Amigos! I'm apart of another tour this week hosted by These Paper Worlds =) and it's for Blood Dreams by Christine Ashworth! Instead of an excerpt or just a plain old interview I have a this or that interview! Those are always the coolest interviews I think! So before we start let's learn a little about the book and author shall we?

Blood Dreams by Christine Ashworth

Book Blurb
It's December, and Los Angeles is in the grip of a serial killer - or so P.I. Gregor Caine would like to believe. But the moon grows fat as it builds toward the Winter Solstice and a rare eclipse. An old woman searching for a friend gone missing believes danger is coming, and the Blood Dreams that keep interrupting Gregors sleep portend a swarm of demonic activity.

After the summer's setback, Kendall Sorbis is finally getting started on his Revenge Life List. First up, open a portal to the Chaos Plane. Second, invite the Caines to come and play..

pretty creepy right? I love it! Now let's learn a bit about the author!

Christine Ashworth is a native of Southern California. The daughter of a writer and a psych major, she fell asleep to the sound of her father's Royal manual typewriter for years. In a very real way, being a writer is in her blood 3/4 her father. Chet Cunningham. sold his first novel before he turned forty and has over 300 novels to his credit. Christine's brother, Scott Cunningham, sold his first book before he turned twenty-five.

At the tender age of seventeen, Christine fell in love with a man she met while dancing with the California Ballet Company. She married the brilliant actor/dancer/painter/music man, and now they have two tall and exotic sons who are as intelligent as their parents, thus ensuring lively dinner conversations.

Christine's two dogs rule the outside, defending her vegetable garden from the squirrels, while a polydactyl rescue cat holds court inside the house. Everything else is in a state of flux.

Demon Soul is book 1 of the Caine Brothers Series and is now available in trade paperback format, as well as in Kindle, Nook, and Kobo formats. Book 2, Demon Hunt will be available summer 2012 from and in all the above formats. Also check out her website: 

Now are you guys ready for the This or That Interview?! I am =)
1. Chocolate or Caramel? Oooh, a toughie. I'll go with chocolate.
2. Physical Book or e-book? Both. ebooks for almost everything. physical books for those I LOVE.
3. Burgers or Hot Dogs? Hot dogs - 100% lean beef dogs with ketchup and relish. Yum!
4. Pen and Paper or Laptop? Laptop. Usually.
5. Werewolfs or Tigers? Tigers. Rawr!
6. Contemporary or Dystopian? Contemporary. I'm getting tired of the bleakness of dystopian.
7. Flip Flops or Sneakers? Sneakers. Gotta be able to run away from the zombies, you know!
8. Morning or Night? Morning. There's all that potential for the day stretching out in front of you.
9. Rock or Country? Rock. It gets me through the housework, lol!
10. Paperback or Hardcover? Paperback for 90% of the books I read. But those I LOVE get hardback - if I can find it.
I love all of her answers especially number 5! I asked that one because I had just finished reading Tiger's Curse lol! What do you guys think of the interview? Let me know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Paige, thanks for having me! Your site looks awesome and it's great to be here.


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)