
01 June 2012

In My Mailbox 37+ Weekly Wrap Up!

Hi guys! How are you all doing this week? I'm doing pretty awesome mostly because I got amazing books this week! Want to see what they are? I know you do! But before I show you In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren where we show off the books we get each week! Don't forget to check out my weekly re-cap below and leave me links to your Sunday halls or IMM's or anything else!

From Around The World ARC Tours:
Glitch by Heather Anastasiu 
Through To You by Emily Hainsworth

Bought with Buzz bucks from Random Buzzers:
Scored by Lauren McLaughlin

Won from Julie @ A Tale of Many Reviews:
Silence by Michelle Sagara

Won from Cary @ The Writing Wonderland:
Across The Universe by Beth Revis

Won from Elana Johnson
ARC of Surrender by Elana Johnson

Now for my Weekly Wrap up:

If I Stay by Gayle Forman 

Book/Blog tours:
Heway Hall by Susan Roebuck Tour + Giveaway!
Blood Jewel Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway
Blood Dreams Tour: This or That Interview

2 Awesome Book Promos!
It's Monday What Are You Reading?
Waiting on Wednesday
What's Next?

Blood Jewel Giveaway


  1. Awesome haul this week Paige!! You've made me excited about Glitch and since I have an ARC of it, I'm going to read it next! Glad to hear it's so good. :)

    Happy reading!

  2. OOh nice! Those are new to me, but I hope you enjoy them all!!

    As always, my STS will be up on Sunday, feel free to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. These are wonderful books to get and win. Yeah for ARC tours. You are so lucky.


  4. Lucky girl! I want to read Glitch ! Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you'll have a great week. ;)

  5. I really want to read Across The Universe :) I've been wanting to for a while!

    Great haul this week!

    my haul

  6. I really want to read Glitch and I loved Across the Universe. Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  7. Wow! You did win a lot! I tried reading Glitch through netgalley, but wasn't able to get through it. Through To You and Surrender look like great reads. I reviewed Silence awhile back, which was pretty interesting.

    Thanks for stopping by,
    @ Livin' Life Through Books

  8. Glitch sounds interesting, glad your enjoying it! Through To You looks amazing! I also have Across the Universe on my shelf and cannot wait to read it! It sounds so fabulous and I've heard great things about it. Hopefully I'll read it soon! :) Happy reading

  9. Glitch sounds so great! I hope you enjoy all your new reads!

  10. Nice! I'm looking forward to Through To You myself. Hope you enjoy these books! :D Thanks for stopping by mine!

  11. Amazing haul Paige :) ! I can't wait to read Across the Universe !! Happy reading ;)

  12. You got some really great books for tour!!
    I hope that you enjoy them all!!! =D
    Happy Reading


  13. You got a great haul, Paige! Yay for Across the Universe, it's SO good. I got A Million Suns from the library a couple weeks ago but didn't have time to read it before I had to return it - argh! I hope you enjoy all your goodies!

    My book haul:

  14. Oooh, a lot of awesome dystopias this week! Across the Universe is one of my favorite books. :) Happy reading!

  15. Hey, sorry I haven't visited back in a few weeks.
    I am so jealous of Glitch! I have it on preorder and can't wait to get it.
    I've had Possesion and Scored sitting on my shelf for a little while now so I'll look out to see what you think of them

  16. Awesome haul! I really want to read Across the Universe.
    Enjoy your new reads.

    Thanks for stopping by!
    :) Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

  17. Thats a great haul. I know quite a few people who love 'across the universe' and although I didn't love it I still thought it was pretty good. I hope you enjoy reading it.

    If you get a chance heres my IMM -

    Happy reading,

  18. I've heard great things about Glitch! You won an amazing amount of books! Congrats! Enjoy all your books :)

    Here's my IMM
    If you're interested you can also enter to win a signed copy of City of Lost Souls!

  19. Wow awesome books! I cant wait to read Glitch!
    Old follower:)

  20. Wowww! You're so lucky to win all those awesome books :D ahhhh GLITCH <3 You're making me more excited to get it! Thanks for dropping by!
    Giselle from
    Stacking the Shelves

  21. Nice book haul! I can't wait to read Through to You. Enjoy the books!

  22. That Across the Universe cover is just the paperback cover, if I'm not mistaken. BUT LUCKY YOU. I feel like a very uncool person because I have YET to read this series. And I badly want to and feel like the odd woman out :'(

    Silence is a really GOOD book, just fyi. It's solid, it's got really almost poetic writing and I got attached to the characters fast.

    Amazing stuff this week!

  23. Ooh I hope you enjoy Glitch, Paige! I'm dying to read that one :)

    And have you read AtU yet? I REALLY loved it and I think the sequel is even better :) Hope you enjoy & thanks for stopping by!

    Brenna from Esther's Ever After

  24. Ohhh, lots of awesome :D Hope you enjoy everything ;D Sigh. Across the Universe was so good and perfect. <3
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  25. I've read great reviews about Across the Universe and Glitch so I'm sure they're good!! :) I hope you'll love them!

  26. Dying to read Across the universe! Hope you enjoy it! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM!

  27. I'm reading Possession by Elana Johnson right now, and I have the ARC of Surrender to read next!

    I enjoyed Across the Universe, but A Million Suns is even better!!

    I'm really envious of Glitch!!

    Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy all your goodies!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)