30 September 2012
September Wrap Up
That was my September Wrap up. Let me know what you think of the books I've read and leave me links to your September Wrap Up in the comments =D
Nine Lives by Shari Richardson Promo Event
Hey lovely followers! Guess what I have for you today? An awesome promo event hosted by AToMR Tours which includes a giveaway! But the giveaway only lasts for a few days so enter quick! Here's a little about the book!
Nine Lives (Highland Home #5)by Shari Richardson
Synopsis: I felt a familiar ripple and knew it was too late for me. I saw her, so tiny, so perfect and I knew that I could die content. When Xavier admitted his love for me, I was complete.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Nine Lives (Highland Home #5)by Shari Richardson
Synopsis: I felt a familiar ripple and knew it was too late for me. I saw her, so tiny, so perfect and I knew that I could die content. When Xavier admitted his love for me, I was complete.
Kerry Cote's story may sound familiar, but it's not. Sure there are a lot of unmarried, pregnant teenagers in the world, but how many of them know the child they carry is a miracle? How many have a vampire body guard? How many are alone because the mother of us all and the father of all vampires has a jealous daughter who covets the baby's father? Kerry must survive to bring her child into the world, for if she fails, humanity may not survive.
In My Mailbox 53 + Weekly Wrap Up
Hey peoples! I'm really tired so this post is going to be really quick! Here's what I got!
In My Mailbox:
Yard Sale:
On The Run: A Mafia Childhood by Gregg & Gina Hill
Faith by Jennifer Haigh
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
True Grime 2: Angel Maker by Natasha Deen
The Serpent's Ring by H.B. Bolton
From Tiffany @ For Those About To Read
Fang Girl by Helen Keeble
Weekly Wrap Up:
Chasing The Skip by Janci Patterson
The Pack by LM Preston
Blog Tours/Hops:
Cover Reveal: Just For Now by Abbi Glines
Flight Tour: Author Interview
At What Cost Tour: Promo Post
The Last Year Tour: Interview
29 September 2012
The Pack Retribution Tour: Review
Hey peoples today for the Pack Retribution tour I'm going back in time a little with a review of the first book The Pack by LM Preston! So I'm kind of in a rush so here's my review.
The Pack by LM Preston
Synopsis: Shamira is considered an outcast by most, but little do they know that she is on a mission. Kids on Mars are disappearing, but Shamira decides to use the criminals’ most unlikely weapons against them—the very kids of which they have captured. In order to succeed, she is forced to trust another, something she is afraid to do. However, Valens, her connection to the underworld of her enemy, proves to be a useful ally. Time is slipping, and so is her control on the power that resides within her. But in order to save her brother's life, she is willing to risk it all.
My Review:
The Pack by LM Preston
Synopsis: Shamira is considered an outcast by most, but little do they know that she is on a mission. Kids on Mars are disappearing, but Shamira decides to use the criminals’ most unlikely weapons against them—the very kids of which they have captured. In order to succeed, she is forced to trust another, something she is afraid to do. However, Valens, her connection to the underworld of her enemy, proves to be a useful ally. Time is slipping, and so is her control on the power that resides within her. But in order to save her brother's life, she is willing to risk it all.
My Review:
I received The Pack from the author for an honest review.
When I first picked up The Pack by LM Preston I was a little nervous to pick it up because I’ve never read any book that was about living life on mars to be honest I never thought I would be interested in something like that but I really enjoyed this book, I probably would have liked it a lot better if I was able to read this straight through without having to stop and read something else but I still enjoyed this very much.
The Pack is about a girl named Shamira who lives on Mars with her parents and younger brother and is also blind. But being blind does not stop her she knows how to hold her own thanks to her parents who have been teaching her to fight ever since she was little, and now she can basically beat the crap out of anybody no matter what size, which comes in handy because her little brother gets taken by basically this horrible gang and Shamira has to save him.
I love love loved Shamira’s character usually the books I read the girls are emotionally strong not physically strong but Shamira was the complete opposite because she could take down any person who fought her but when it came down to opening her heart to a guy she was deathly afraid and that’s something that made this book different which is something every book should have.
Another unique thing about the book was that it was on Mars! I mean have you ever read a YA book that’s plot is on Mars? Because I haven’t I mean if it didn’t say Mars a lot you probably wouldn’t have known but I still think that it was pretty cool.
I gave this book a 4 out 5 stars because while it was good I did feel like some of the information was run on and that some scenes in the book weren’t actually needed but still enjoyable!
The Last Year Tour: Interview
Hey everybody! This is going to be a really quick post so Comfort Books is participating in The Last Year Series tour hosted by AToMR Tours! Here's a little about the book!
Whispers In Autumn by Trisha Leigh
Synopsis: In 2015, a race of alien Others conquered Earth. They enslaved humanity not by force, but through an aggressive mind control that turned people into contented, unquestioning robots.
Except sixteen-year-old Althea isn’t content at all, and she doesn’t need the mysterious note inside her locket to tell her she’s Something Else. It also warns her to trust no one, so she hides the pieces that make her different, even though it means being alone.
The autumn she meets Lucas, everything changes.
Althea and Lucas are immune to the alien mind control, and together they search for the reason why. What they uncover is a stunning truth the Others never anticipated, one with the potential to free the brainwashed human race.
It’s not who they are that makes them special, but what.
And what they are is a threat. One the Others are determined to eliminate for good.
Q: Where did you get your idea or inspiration to write this series?
The original idea came from a tweet. I don’t remember who tweeted it, but they mentioned that their daughter had come to them after a nightmare terrified she didn’t exist. It struck me somehow, and I wrote it down. Over the next couple of days Althea showed up, and once she confided why she was terrified she didn’t exist, things grew from there!
Q: What was the most challenging part of writing WINTER OMENS?
I’ve never written a sequel, so that was a new challenge for me. I think the hardest part was remembering to add enough back story from Book 1 for people that either read it a long time ago or were jumping in with Book 2 of the series. Since Lucas isn’t in the majority of WINTER OMENS, it was hard for both Althea and I to strike a balance between missing him and living the best she could with the way things are now.
Q: Is there anything in this series that you hope readers pick up on but that they may not?
Hmm. I think it’s how small Althea’s world is compared to ours. She makes references to what she knows as far as Earth’s geography, or history and literature, but since she doesn’t understand that it’s a limited knowledge she can’t know what she’s missing. As weird as it is to say, I hope readers pick up on all of the things that AREN’T there in the text.
Q: Which character was your favorite to write and why?
Without question, Althea. She and I struggled a bit from the beginning, because there’s so little she can tell us and even less she’s willing to share, because of her experiences. I’ve often said that she’s a hard nut to crack, but it’s worth the time. I’ve loved discovering the truth along with her, and watching her go from a girl who assumes hiding is the only answer to a girl who might believe fighting could be the right course of action instead. But she never loses her humanity, the half of her that wants to do the right thing.
Q: What are you reading right now?
I’ve gotten into the habit of reading a physical book and an eBook at the same time, so right now I’m reading a hardback of FALSE MEMORY by Dan Krokos and an e-copy of SOMETHING LIKE NORMAL by Trish Doller.
At What Cost Tour: Promo Post
Hello everybody! Today Comfort Books is participating in the At What Cost by J. Anderson tour! hosted by YA Bound I'm really excited to be apart of this tour so lets get started!
At What Cost by J. Anderson
Synopsis: During her junior year, sixteen-year-old Maggie Reynolds expected to shop for prom dresses not maternity clothes. Now, instead of studying for the SATs, she’s reading, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. Maggie’s ‘Mother Dearest’ lives in fear that Maggie will somehow taint the family name, so Maggie can’t turn to her for help. Meanwhile, her father is oblivious to anything but his 9-9 job. And her boyfriend, Justin? She’s pretty sure he’ll stay by her side.
While Maggie wrestles with her options, Justin offers a solution: abortion. It would solve all her problems quickly, easily, and effectively. And her parents would never know, which means they won’t throw her out and cut her off like they’d always threatened if she got herself knocked up. Now Maggie must decide which choice she can live with: abortion
or teenage motherhood. Either way, it’ll be a tough road to travel.
At What Cost Dream Cast
Maggie Reynolds:
Georgie Henley--
She’s super cute and has that girl-next-door thing going on.
Alexander Ludwig--
He’s the gorgeous guy that every girl in school wants. Enough said.
Evan Parkhurst:
Brant Daugherty--
The eyes did it for me in this one. Though, Evan’s eyes are green, it’s about the contrast. Plus, Brant has that sexy rugged thing working for him. That’s kind of how I picture Evan.
Lauren Weaver:
Sarah Bolger--
Tell me Sarah doesn’t look like the peppy best friend in this picture.
Aunt Rachel:
Rachel McAdams--
Beautiful without trying.
Charlize Theron--
Put together perfect and pretty.
Ray Reynolds (dad)
Clive Owen--
Come on, it’s Clive Owen! Tall, dark and handsome.Professional. Hard working, but still a family man at heart.
25 September 2012
Flight Tour: Author Interview
Hello everybody it's time for Comfort Books' stop on the Flight by Alyssa Rose Ivy tour hosted by Bewitching Book Tours! Today I have an author interview for you guys but before we get to that heres a little about the book!
Flight by Alyssa Rose Ivy
Sometimes you just have to take flight.
A summer in New Orleans is exactly what Allie needs before starting college. Accepting her dad’s invitation to work at his hotel offers an escape from her ex-boyfriend and the chance to spend the summer with her best friend. Meeting a guy is the last thing on her mind—until she sees Levi.
Unable to resist the infuriating yet alluring Levi, Allie finds herself at the center of a supernatural society and forced to decide between following the path she has always trusted or saving a city that might just save her.
Meet the author:
Alyssa Rose Ivy lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write.
Author Interview:
P: Hi Alyssa, Thanks for being here today!
A: Hi Paige, Thanks for having me!
P: How long have you wanted to be an author?
A: I've loved writing for as long as I can remember, and growing up I defintely dreamed of being an author. Fortunately, now that I'm home with my kids, I've been lucky enough to have the opportunity to share my stories.
P: What made you want to write about the supernatural genre?
A: The supernatural first sparked my interest when I was in college in New Orleans. There is just something so fun and exciting about the paranormal. I'm a fan of paranormal romances, so when I had the chance, I decided to write my own.
P: Where is your favorite place to write?
A: I love writing at home. There is nothing quite like putting on comfortable clothes, sitting down with a cup of coffee, and diving into writing.
P: What advice would you give other aspiring authors?
A: I would tell them to write what inspires them. The best stories are usually the ones that come naturally.
P: What can we expect from you in the future?
A: I'm getting read to release a New Adult Contemporary Romance called Derailed.
**Speed Round**
1. Sneakers or Flip Flops?
2. Chicken or Tacos?
3. Pens or Pencils?
4. Rock or Country?
5. Night or Day?
Well I hope you all enjoyed the interview! Thanks for stopping by today =D
24 September 2012
Cover Reveal: Just For Now by Abbi Glines
Howdy peoples! Today Comfort Books is participating in the cover reveal for Just For Now by Abbi Glines! Hosted by AToMR Tours click on the name to check them out! As you all know I love being apart of cover reveals because you get to see pretty covers and learn about new books that are coming out! So ready for the cover? I am!
Just For Now by Abbi Glines
Synopsis: The day Preston Drake figured out that wealthy women paid well for a set of tight abs and a pretty face his life turned around.
The run down rat-infested trailer he had shared with his alcoholic mother and three younger siblings was now only a place he visited to pay the bills and stock the pantry with food.
He no longer worried about his family starving or living without electricity. The money he made entertaining rich older women more than covered his family’s needs and his own. He had it all figured out. Except…
There was this girl.
She was as innocent as he was tainted.
Amanda Hardy wished her knees didn’t get weak when Preston walked into a room. She hated the fact her heart raced when he flashed his smile in her direction. He had a different girl in his bed every night. He was the kind of boy a smart girl ran from. So, why was she coming up with ways to get close to him? Even when it was obvious he wanted to keep her at a distance.
Maybe her heart knew something the world didn’t. Maybe Preston Drake was more than just a pretty face.
The run down rat-infested trailer he had shared with his alcoholic mother and three younger siblings was now only a place he visited to pay the bills and stock the pantry with food.
He no longer worried about his family starving or living without electricity. The money he made entertaining rich older women more than covered his family’s needs and his own. He had it all figured out. Except…
There was this girl.
She was as innocent as he was tainted.
Amanda Hardy wished her knees didn’t get weak when Preston walked into a room. She hated the fact her heart raced when he flashed his smile in her direction. He had a different girl in his bed every night. He was the kind of boy a smart girl ran from. So, why was she coming up with ways to get close to him? Even when it was obvious he wanted to keep her at a distance.
Maybe her heart knew something the world didn’t. Maybe Preston Drake was more than just a pretty face.
Meet The Author:
Abbi Glines can be found hanging out with rockstars, taking out her yacht on weekends for a party cruise, sky diving, or surfing in Maui. Okay maybe she needs to keep her imagination focused on her writing only. In the real world, Abbi can be found hauling kids (several who seem to show up that don’t belong to her) to all their social events, hiding under the covers with her MacBook in hopes her husband won’t catch her watching Buffy on Netflix again, and sneaking off to Barnes and Noble to spend hours lost in the yummy goodness of books. Her debut novel, BREATHE, can be found in digital format at Barnes and Noble and Amazon. Existence, a YA paranormal, was released December 13, 2011 by Wild Child Publishing. She also released a YA contemporary romance, The Vincent Boys this Fall. She just released her first New Adult contemporary, Because of Low. She is currently editing the second book in the Existence Trilogy, Predestined. If you want to find her then check Twitter first because she has a severe addiction to tweeting @abbiglines. She also blogs regularly but rarely about anything life changing. She also really enjoys talking about herself in third person.
What do you guys think about the cover? Let me know in the comments!
23 September 2012
Early Review: Chasing The Skip by Janci Patterson

Publisher: Henry Holt & Co.
Publication Date: October 2, 2012
Number of Pages: 240
Book Format: ARC
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received this book from DAC ARC Tours for an honest review.
The reason I decided I wanted to read this book Is because I love watching TV shows about bounty hunters so I figured I would enjoy books about them too and boy was I right! Ricki is a 15 year old girl and one day her mom just up and leaves her. Now this isn’t totally uncommon because her mom disappears a lot but what’s different about this time is that her mother doesn’t come back this time and Ricki ends up having to tag along with her dad who just happens to be a bounty hunter!
I really enjoyed this book because you didn’t have to be bored through all kinds of back information, the book jumps right into the story and gives you information about the past as you go which I really like because it gives you a mix of both past and current.
Imagine one day your mom just up and leaves you and you suddenly have to go live with your dad who you haven’t seen in years and he just happens to be a bounty hunter. Yeah, I would feel like the world is ending and my life is over but Ricki just dealt with it like a champ. She liked being with her dad because she hadn’t seen him in so long but she’s also really upset with him for not being around for her.
There wasn’t much romance in this book, and even when there was it wasn’t that great because it kind of seemed like Ricki was almost being raped because she was enjoying it at first but then she got all scared and tried to run away so I didn’t much care for that but it was only a tiny part in the book so it didn’t factor too much in my rating.
I really enjoyed Ian’s character probably because I’m a sucker for a bad boy and you can tell I am because I fell for his tricks throughout the whole book too it was pretty bad I felt dumb when I finished reading and I wasn’t even the one chasing after him!
Overall Janci Patterson did a great job keeping bounty hunting in words interesting which you think would be hard but again she did an awesome job because this book was like a breeze which is something I really needed, 4 out of 5 stars is my rating!
View all my reviews
22 September 2012
In My Mailbox 52 + Weekly Wrap Up
Hello all! I'm here for another In My Mailbox, created by the lovely Kristi over at The Story Siren! and this meme is all about showing off the books we get each week! So without further adu here are the book I've gotten this week and my weekly wrap up!
DAC ARC Tours:
Chasing The Skip by Janci Patterson
My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century by Rachel Harris
For Review:
Madly & Wolfhardt by M. Leighton
What Happens Next by Colleen Clayton
Weekly Wrap Up:
Alice In Zombieland by Gena Showalter
Nerve by Jeanne Ryan
Confessions of An Angry Girl by Louise Rozett
Blog Tours/Hops:
The Unsacred Gift Tour: First Chapter + Giveaway
Cover Reveal: How To Marry An Alien by Magan Vernon
Careful Tour: Promo Post
21 September 2012
Review: Confessions of An Angry Girl by Louise Rozett
Confessions of an Angry Girl by Louise Rozett
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publication Date: August 28, 2012
Number of Pages: 272
Book Format: Paperback
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I'm received Confessions of An Angry Girl from DAC ARC Tours for an honest review.
I don't even know what to say about this book right now. So many emotions are running through my head! But I'll start off with what the book is about. Confessions of an Angry Girl is about a girl named Rose who is a freshman in high school and all she has are problems! Her dad is dead, her brother left home, her best friend isn't so much a best friend, A boy at her school has had a crush on her since 6th grade and she can't get away from him and worst of all, she has a crush on a guy who has a girlfriend and that girlfriend happens to be a very mean cheerleader. Sounds pretty intense right? It is!
My heart really went out to this poor girl I mean all that on top of it being her freshman year in high school! She did pretty well handling it though on most occasions. Something Louise Rozett did really well with was there was never a dull moment in the book which you can tell here "My neck feels hot and slick where Jamie kissed me, and my heart is still beating really fast." (118) But the second to last chapter that really wasn't needed I was tempted to skip it but I didn't. Anyways like I said there was always some type of drama, and that's what kept me on the edge of my seat because I always NEEDED to know what happened next. Something that sort of annoyed me a tad bit was when I was nearing the end of a chapter and there would be some suspense but then the next chapter started and it'd be completely about something else and your like wait?! What happened! Sometimes the chapter would say a few things then pick up where the last one left off but some of them didn't and I was left a little confused.
Some of the characters drove me absolutely crazy but in a good way because you were always thinking wow what a meanie! I hope something bad happens to them so then you keep reading praying something does sort of like that kind of drove me crazy! Luckily I was very satisfied with the ending. There were some moments in the book when I got a little chocked up like when Rose would be remembering her dad or during a couple of the alone moments she'd have with Jamie and then there were times when I was like you go girl! like here, "I slam into Regina with every ounce of strength I have, knocking her to the ground. Her Pom-poms go flying into the air, and I hear a gasp from her minions as her skirt flaps up. I'm blind with fury now, and I pin Regina down with my body weight and one arm." (221)
In the end I give the book 5 out of 5 stars because it was fantastic never dull and I'm really wishing I had the second book in my hands right now because I need to know what happens with Rose & Jamie!!
View all my reviews
20 September 2012
Nerve Tour: Review
Hey guys! Today I'm apart of the Nerve by Jeanne Ryan tour hosted by AToMR & YA Bound, too awesome tours sites! I'm so excited to be apart of this tour today because I love loved LOVED! this book. Before I share with you my review here's a little about the book!
Nerve by Jeanne Ryan
Synopsis: A high-stakes online game of dares turns deadly
When Vee is picked to be a player in NERVE, an anonymous game of dares broadcast live online, she discovers that the game knows her. They tempt her with prizes taken from her ThisIsMe page and team her up with the perfect boy, sizzling-hot Ian. At first it's exhilarating--Vee and Ian's fans cheer them on to riskier dares with higher stakes. But the game takes a twisted turn when they're directed to a secret location with five other players for the Grand Prize round. Suddenly they're playing all or nothing, with their lives on the line. Just how far will Vee go before she loses NERVE?
My Review:
I received Nerve from Around The World ARC Tours for an honest review.
Wow Nerve was such an intense read! At first I was a little intimidated because of how big the book was but I flew through the book because it was so good! Anyways Nerve is about a girl named Vee who Is sort of a nobody at her school, and one day she’s really mad at her best friend for “taking” the guy that she had a crush on so she signs up for this game Nerve and what you have to do is film yourself doing dares and you win prizes. Sound pretty cool doesn’t it? I think it does because I loved it!
Vee was a very brave girl to do these dares just to win things like shoes and money. I personally couldn’t of done it because I’m way to shy. One other thing I really liked about Vee is how quickly she got over Mathew who was her first crush in the book. I admire her for that and I really wish I could get over guys and find a new one that fast. It’d be so much easier!
The uniqueness of this book was my favorite thing. Have you ever read a book about a game show having teenagers doing dares to win amazing prices and basically taking over their whole lives? You haven’t figured out why I flew through this book yet? Well don’t worry there’s more.
Ian! What can I say about Ian Jeanne made him sound so awesome! He’s character sounded cute and at first he was like the big brother character but then he and Vee were “something” and it just kept getting better and better!
Well I hope you enjoyed my review of Nerve! I give it a 5 out of 5 by the way!
I hope you all enjoyed my stop on the tour everybody! Have a great day =D
19 September 2012
Careful Tour: Promo Post
Good Afternoon everybody! I hope you are all having a great day! Today Comfort Books is participating in the Careful by Isobella Jade tour hosted by YA Bound! I'm so excited to be apart of this tour because i've heard awesome stuff about this book! Today I have an excerpt for you but before I share that with you, here's a little about the book!
Careful by Isobella Jade
Synopsis: After Estella Montclair is killed in a texting and driving crash, what remains of her face and body is devastating. But not all of her has died. During the first month after her death, Estella's spirit travels among her living friends and family. Her best friends Zara, Eva and Jett show her how pain and sorrow can break apart or strengthen a bond. She also sees for the first time that loss can spark revenge, catastrophe can come without warning, and we all have secrets. She wonders if her chance for love with Phoenix has passed her by, and if out of sight truly means out of mind. And maybe one day the girl who caused her death will admit her mistake. While adjusting to a new state of being, Estella struggles to face the limitations that come with death, but blossoms by recognizing she can still touch the lives of the people she once knew so well.
I didn't sleep anymore; I simply lost the need to sleep. So, when the world around me was sleeping, sometimes, I would travel through Willow Ridge and let the night air carry me until I could feel the first light of dawn.
Some nights I went to the track at school, even though there was snow on it. Like when I was alive, I would swish around and around for hours with the moon glowing down on me and reenact certain races I'd won or redo the ones I hadn't. Other nights, I'd take a trip through my favorite course. I'd swoop through the neighborhoods, making quick cuts through backyards and over fences, sometimes sliding down the snow piles at the side of the streets, and head towards Willow Lake Park. If I wasn't too tired I'd run the three-mile loop on the trails at the lake and admire the blue-gray shadows dancing atop the crystalline ice on the slender branches of the weeping willow trees. From a distance the shadows of the iced branches looked like a pack of mammoths.
Then usually I'd skim over the frigid water and graze against the lake's edge until I got to Maple Point. The numerous picnic tables and grills were blanketed in snow, like an isolated winter wonderland; it looked magical in the moonlight. Once I reached the large wooden playground, I'd start sprinting to my favorite Maple tree, the biggest one. Its figure made an upside-down rounded heart shape.
I'd start climbing up the ridges of the trunk of the Maple tree, brushing up against the bark and shaking a little snow off the branches as I zoomed up, gaining speed until I reached the top. From there, I would burst out of the tree like a cannon ball. I'd rocket higher and higher until the porch lights from all the houses in Willow Ridge looked like the tiny specks of glitter. In the darkness up there, there seemed to be no boundaries, just a great magnitude of sky that was endless and open. Crusing the vastness of the sky was exhilarating and a little frightening.
I hope you all enjoyed the excerpt! Have a great day.
18 September 2012
Cover Reveal: How To Marry An Alien by Magan Vernon
Hello my lovely followers! Today Comfort books is participating in the cover reveal for How To Marry An Alien by Magan Vernon! This cover reveal is hosted by AToMR Book Blog Tours and they are awesome with tours so if your looking for tours to participate in go check them out!
With Ace by her side and a new piece of jewelry on her finger, she thinks she is ready for anything. Well, almost anything.
Her new roommate holds a dangerous link to her past that Alex isn't sure if she can handle. Then there is the whole alien fiancé thing. Every time she tries to get closer to Ace, he seems to pull further away. Top that off with a full summer class load and a few more alien attacks and it’s just another day for Alex.
How To Marry An Alien by Magan Vernon
Alex’s interstellar relationship has finally been sealed in the eyes of the human world, so now she can move on to her next step: college.
With Ace by her side and a new piece of jewelry on her finger, she thinks she is ready for anything. Well, almost anything.
Her new roommate holds a dangerous link to her past that Alex isn't sure if she can handle. Then there is the whole alien fiancé thing. Every time she tries to get closer to Ace, he seems to pull further away. Top that off with a full summer class load and a few more alien attacks and it’s just another day for Alex.
Except this time she isn’t sure if marrying an alien will be the happy ending she’s hoping for.
Wow this book sounds so awesome and I love love love the cover! What do you think of the cover?
17 September 2012
The Unsacred Gift Tour: First Chapter + Giveaway
Hello again! It's Sunday! which means tomorrow is the dreaded Monday... I'm bummed because my weekend flew by and I don't want to go to school tomorrow. Anyways! Comfort Books is participating in The Unsacred Gift by C.S. Dorsey today and I'll be sharing the first chapter of the book and there will also be a giveaway too! with my lovely followers and I'm pretty sure you'll all love it! But first here's a little about the book.
The Unsacred Gift by C.S. Dorsey
Synopsis: Have you ever had a dream that came to life? How about losing the one you love and not being able to save them? What about a gift that you were cursed with? Well image having all three like Sicily "Sissy" Monroe.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Unsacred Gift by C.S. Dorsey
Synopsis: Have you ever had a dream that came to life? How about losing the one you love and not being able to save them? What about a gift that you were cursed with? Well image having all three like Sicily "Sissy" Monroe.
"Some might say what I have is a gift. I say, I want to return it." Sissy declares.
Sicily "Sissy" Monroe has all the qualities of a perfect young lady. She is almost where she wants to be in life. But lying deep in the pupil of her eyes hold something that she cannot get rid of which interferes with her plans. She fights everyday with no one but herself. After having her first vision at age six of her sister's (Misty) disappearance and the dreams of failing to save her, Sissy wants no part in another person's fate. For years Sissy tried hard to avoid contact with people because she feared foreseeing their death. In keeping with this, she tries to stay away from her family. Little did Sissy know she could not run from her past, or her gift. She hopes someone will put her out of her misery, but she will soon discover that her visions and dreams were just a mere image of herself.
Sicily "Sissy" Monroe has all the qualities of a perfect young lady. She is almost where she wants to be in life. But lying deep in the pupil of her eyes hold something that she cannot get rid of which interferes with her plans. She fights everyday with no one but herself. After having her first vision at age six of her sister's (Misty) disappearance and the dreams of failing to save her, Sissy wants no part in another person's fate. For years Sissy tried hard to avoid contact with people because she feared foreseeing their death. In keeping with this, she tries to stay away from her family. Little did Sissy know she could not run from her past, or her gift. She hopes someone will put her out of her misery, but she will soon discover that her visions and dreams were just a mere image of herself.
Meet the author:
C. S. Dorsey currently lives in Northern California. She graduated from the University of Phoenix with an Associate's Degree in Financial Services, and is currently working for a financial institution. She never thought about writing until one day this girl started talking to her in her head and never stop. She has written other young adult books including best selling Lukos Trilogy.
You can find the book and the author in the places below:
First Chapter:
“It had been fifteen years since my sister’s death, and I could still hear her screaming in my sleep.”
I could hear the ear-piercing screams and horror in her voice ringing in my ears. I ran as fast as I could through the tall trees in the forest. I was running after her so fast, trying to save her from her doom. The dark mist was dragging her across the floor of the forest. My breathing was shallow and my heart raced as I kept running. It felt like I was running in place. The dark mass kept pulling her.
“Misty!” I yelled, making no sound. My voice was on mute. The wind brushed through my hair. My lungs felt like they were going to burst, and I wanted to collapse, but I couldn’t stop running after her. Death was pulling her farther and farther away. I could see her reaching out to me, wanting me to save her—but I was too late.
I gave up. I saw her eyes. They were wide with fear, horror, and sadness.
“Misty!” I yelled again, but no one heard me, not even myself. I looked at the pale-faced girl with long, straight black hair flying in the wind and almond-shaped eyes one last time. She looked back at me with disappointment, and then she fought no more, because I gave up.
The wind howled in my ears and circled around me as I watched my sister vanish before my eyes. Her piercing screams rang in my ears like someone’s nails scraping against a chalkboard.
I covered my ears from the terrifying screams of my sister calling my name: “Siiiissssy.” I dropped to the ground with my ears still covered and my head between my legs, rocking back and forth…
I jumped out of my sleep as tears rolled down my face. I was shaking uncontrollably, and sweating. My breathing was labored. I took some deep breaths in and out, as I lay back down.
It had been fifteen years since my sister’s death, and I could still hear her screaming in my sleep. The day my sister disappeared would haunt me for the rest of my life. I vaguely remember what happened—I was six when she disappeared.
I saw her fate, but I was too young to realize that I was having a vision. I tried to tell my mother, but she convinced me that I was having a bad dream. Not long afterward, Misty vanished.
That day was hot and the wind barely blew. Butterflies were flying all around us. It was our family picnic, that hot August summer of 1990, at Aquatic Park in Berkeley. I remember Misty, our cousins Heaven and Halo, and I were running and playing with a pink-and-white-marbled ball. “Girls, don’t go too far,” my mother said. The sun radiated on her skin, making it glow and bringing out her youthful features. Her stringy black hair was pinned up in a bun. She was sitting at the picnic table with my Granny and auntie Tiyanne. We call her Tiy.
The four of us were having so much fun playing catch with the marble-color ball. Heaven and Halo were three then, so they couldn’t go as far as Misty and I could. Misty was five, a year younger than I was.
Soon, Misty and I were near the lake. “Sissy, don’t throw the ball too hard,” Misty said.
“I won’t.” For a kid my age, I had a really strong arm, and the ball bounced and rolled into the lake.
“Aw, Sissy, I told you.” I just shrugged my shoulders. We stared at the ball as it glided across the lake. “I’ll get it,” Misty said.
I heard a voice calling me. It was Mom, looking for us. Misty was bending over, reaching for the ball. I turned toward the voice and called, “Misty, we have to go! Mommy is…” Then I turned around, only to find that Misty was gone. The ball was still floating on top of the lake. The water was still. “Misty, stop playing!” I called to her. But she was nowhere in sight. I panicked, and ran to my mother.
“Where is your sister?” she asked. I hesitated, reluctant to answer her. “Sissy, where is your sister?”
I just looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. I felt a sense of déjà vu.
“Answer me, girl!”
All I could do was look into my mother’s eyes and tell her it was the vision I’d had, which would become stronger and more vivid as I got older. My mother just looked at me, not wanting to believe me. I reiterated the vision, the one my mother had said was a dream: Misty was standing in the same spot in front of the lake, and in the blink of an eye, she was gone.
What was I supposed to do? I was six.
Yellow tape was placed all around the park. Everyone there had to leave while the police investigated. My Uncle Tyler called the police before my mom and Granny had a chance to go search for her. Aunt Tiy packed up everything quickly and put Heaven and Halo in the car before they ran off, too. I saw officers diving into the lake to see if they could find Misty’s body. A tall, dark-skinned police officer with slick black hair came over to me. I was sitting on the back of the ambulance, covered in blankets the police had given me, with my head down.
He kneeled down to me so that he could see me eye to eye. “Young lady, we need your help, so that we can find your sister. Will you help us?” I nodded yes, not saying a word. Earlier that day, the weather had been nice, nice weather for a picnic…not anymore. Now it was dark and cold. Although California did not get hurricanes, I didn’t doubt that one might appear. I had lost my sweater and I wish I had it.
I explained to the police officer what had happened. “I don’t know, officer. I saw it before it happened. Mommy said I had a bad dream.” The officer thought that Misty might have drowned, but there was no trace of her anywhere.
The officer knew he was not getting anywhere, and gave up. He went over to my mom, and I waited. All I could hear was that he and his team would keep looking for her for as long as they could. My mother’s head was down, and she nodded her head in agreement. He left, and she came over and scooped me up from the edge of the ambulance truck.
“Sissy—you need to tell them the truth,” my mom said, carrying me in her arms.
“But, Mom,” I said, “I am telling the truth. It was like the dream I had.” My mom just ignored me and carried me to the car.
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