
29 September 2012

At What Cost Tour: Promo Post

Hello everybody! Today Comfort Books is participating in the At What Cost by J. Anderson tour! hosted by YA Bound I'm really excited to be apart of this tour so lets get started!

At What Cost by J. Anderson 
Synopsis: During her junior year, sixteen-year-old Maggie Reynolds expected to shop for prom dresses not maternity clothes. Now, instead of studying for the SATs, she’s reading, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. Maggie’s ‘Mother Dearest’ lives in fear that Maggie will somehow taint the family name, so Maggie can’t turn to her for help. Meanwhile, her father is oblivious to anything but his 9-9 job. And her boyfriend, Justin? She’s pretty sure he’ll stay by her side.

While Maggie wrestles with her options, Justin offers a solution: abortion. It would solve all her problems quickly, easily, and effectively. And her parents would never know, which means they won’t throw her out and cut her off like they’d always threatened if she got herself knocked up. Now Maggie must decide which choice she can live with: abortion 
or teenage motherhood. Either way, it’ll be a tough road to travel.

At What Cost Dream Cast
Maggie Reynolds:

Georgie Henley--

She’s super cute and has that girl-next-door thing going on. 

Justin Davis:

Alexander Ludwig--
He’s the gorgeous guy that every girl in school wants. Enough said.

Evan Parkhurst:

Brant Daugherty--

The eyes did it for me in this one. Though, Evan’s eyes are green, it’s about the contrast.  Plus, Brant has that sexy rugged thing working for him. That’s kind of how I picture Evan.

Lauren Weaver: 
Sarah Bolger--

Tell me Sarah doesn’t look like the peppy best friend in this picture. 

Aunt Rachel:
Rachel McAdams--

Beautiful without trying.

Natasha Reynolds (mom)
Charlize Theron--

Put together perfect and pretty. 

Ray Reynolds (dad)
Clive Owen--

Come on, it’s Clive Owen! Tall, dark and handsome.Professional. Hard working, but still a family man at heart. 


  1. Thanks so much for participating in the tour! I had fun trying to figure out the cast for AWC.

  2. I don't watch too many movies, but I'd watch this one.


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