
25 September 2012

Flight Tour: Author Interview

Hello everybody it's time for Comfort Books' stop on the Flight by Alyssa Rose Ivy tour hosted by Bewitching Book Tours! Today I have an author interview for you guys but before we get to that heres a little about the book!

Flight by Alyssa Rose Ivy
Sometimes you just have to take flight.

A summer in New Orleans is exactly what Allie needs before starting college. Accepting her dad’s invitation to work at his hotel offers an escape from her ex-boyfriend and the chance to spend the summer with her best friend. Meeting a guy is the last thing on her mind—until she sees Levi.

Unable to resist the infuriating yet alluring Levi, Allie finds herself at the center of a supernatural society and forced to decide between following the path she has always trusted or saving a city that might just save her.

Meet the author:
Alyssa Rose Ivy lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. 

Author Interview:

P: Hi Alyssa, Thanks for being here today!
A: Hi Paige, Thanks for having me!
P: How long have you wanted to be an author?
A: I've loved writing for as long as I can remember, and growing up I defintely dreamed of being an author. Fortunately, now that I'm home with my kids, I've been lucky enough to have the opportunity to share my stories.
P: What made you want to write about the supernatural genre?
A: The supernatural first sparked my interest when I was in college in New Orleans. There is just something so fun and exciting about the paranormal. I'm a fan of paranormal romances, so when I had the chance, I decided to write my own.
P: Where is your favorite place to write?
A: I love writing at home. There is nothing quite like putting on comfortable clothes, sitting down with a cup of coffee, and diving into writing.
P: What advice would you give other aspiring authors?
A: I would tell them to write what inspires them. The best stories are usually the ones that come naturally.
P: What can we expect from you in the future?
A: I'm getting read to release a New Adult Contemporary Romance called Derailed.

**Speed Round**
1. Sneakers or Flip Flops?
2. Chicken or Tacos?
3. Pens or Pencils?
4. Rock or Country?
5. Night or Day?

Well I hope you all enjoyed the interview! Thanks for stopping by today =D


  1. Thanks for having me on your blog and for featuring Flight!

  2. I loved Flight and am looking forward to Derailed. College in New Orleans sounds fun! I went to college in such a boring town. I'm a total night person. Great interview!

  3. I can't wait to read this book it seems like it is falling into that New Adult category and I'm interested in reading more books of that genre. Plus that cover is amazing!

    Thanks for the interview!


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