
09 September 2012

Madly by M. Leighton

Madly by M. Leighton
Publication Date: June 2011
Book Format: e-book, Novella
Number of Pages: 59
My Rating: 3 of 5
Synopsis: Madly is your average nearly-eighteen year old girl—for a princess, that is.

Madly James is thoroughly enjoying her internship in the small town of Slumber when the unthinkable happens—there’s a prison break in Atlas, the magically-protected home of Madly’s race. A traitor has set free eight Lore, the spirits of what humans know as fairy tales, and they are making their way to Slumber to awaken their descendants. 

In order to save her home, the lives of her family, and all of humanity, Madly must learn to wield her exceptional powers and recapture the Lore before it’s too late and all is lost. But Madly’s only help are her two best friends and the Sentinel, Jackson Hamilton, that threatens both her heart and her destiny. Madly has loved Jackson as long as she can remember, but he is the one thing even a princess can’t have. Can she resist love to become the queen she was fated to be? Or can she find a way to have both?

This novelette introduces you to Madly and prepares you for the quest of a lifetime

My Review:
I am reviewing Madly by M. Leighton as apart of a tour for A Tale of Many Reviews Tours for an honest review.

I read this book pretty quickly because it is only a novella, but I must say it did pretty good holding my attention. Madly is about a girl named Madly who is a mermaid and she has to save basically her whole underwater town. I’m not exactly sure why she has to save them but it’s what has to be done.

Because this was a novella we didn’t get to meet the characters in grave detail which was a little disappointing because I thought that’s what novellas were normally for introducing us to the characters and the plot but this book I felt only introduced me to the plot not the characters.

The one character that I feel we did learn about Is Jackson. We learned who he is in the story and what Madly’s feelings are about him. We know that one of Madly’s best friends, Jersey is his sister. We also learn that Madly is a princess of some sort but again I’m not really sure of what.

I’m hoping that the next book in the series goes into more detail about the characters and about mermaids them selves because the only reason I knew the book was about mermaids because one of the scenes when Madly jumped in the water she started forming scales. I have to say that was probably one of my favorite parts in the book.

Overall I give the book a 3 out of 5 stars because although the writing style was good, and it kept my attention pretty nicely I’m still wishing that I learned a little bit more about everything.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reading and reviewing this Paige, I always wondered if the series is any good because of the awesome cover. Happy Sunday!


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