
09 September 2012

Glass Boys by Nicole Lundrigan

Glass Boys by Nicole Lundrigan
Publisher: Douglas & McIntyre
Publication Date: July 24, 2012
Number of Pages: 304
Book Format: Paperback
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received Glass Boys from the publisher for an honest review.

Glass Boys was absolutely nothing that I thought it would be. Yes it was deep I knew it’d be a little deep but I wasn’t sure what the actual premise of the book would be about and to tell you the truth after finishing the book I’m still not 100% sure what it was all about but I’m pretty sure part of it is supposed to teach you not to hold grudges and that it does very well.

There were so many characters in the book but that’s one of the things I liked about the book was so many different point of views. It started with just Lewis and Garrett. Lewis’ family is the main focus of the whole book but the plot is that Lewis and his drunken brother Roy wander on Eli Fagan’s yard and Roy ends up getting killed. From that day on Lewis holds a grudge against Eli and his whole family.
The book takes place in the course of a couple years both families do the best they can to move on. Eli has two more daughters and Lewis gets married and has two sons. But soon enough both families start to fall apart and have problems with each other.

All of the characters had there own weird personalities so a good portion of the book was spent trying to figure out the different characters and if they were good or bad and figuring out my thoughts about them. But I’m not saying that’s a bad thing because I love books that really make you think.

Overall the book gets a 4 out of 5 stars because it made me think it was deep and I loved the characters personalities it kept me turning pages and on the edge of my seat throughout the whole thing. All things a good book should have.

View all my reviews

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