
11 September 2012

Sneak Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway

Hi my awesome followers! Today is Tuesday and Comfort Books is participating in the Sneak by Evan Angler tour hosted by YA Bound! (which hosts some pretty awesome tours so make sure you click on the name to be taken to their blog) Before I share the excerpt with you guys here's a little about the book!

Sneak by Evan Angler
Synopsis: When Logan Langly backed out of getting the Mark and went on the run, no one thought he could survive on his own. Without the Mark, you can't buy food, bot to the doctor, or use a tablet-you aren't even a citizen.

But when he discovers that his sister is being held in a mysterious hidden prison named Acheron, Logan risks everything to travel through and underground network of the Markless to rescue her.
Logan arrives only to find that Acheron holds more secrets than anyone could have guessed and that all his careful planning is worthless against a government that will do anything to gain absolute control. It seems there is only one place to turn.

But can a banned book with whisper-this pages and warnings about the real meaning of the Mark really hold the Answer?

Meet The Author:
Evan lives without the Mark, evading DOME and writing in the shadows of Beacon.
Swipe is his first book. But if anyone asks, you know nothing about it, and you didn't hear anything from him. Don't make eye contact if you see him. Don't call his name out loud. He's in enough trouble already.
And so are you, if you've read his book.
You can find the author in the places below:

Will be added when it is sent to me!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great post and giveaway Paige :) !! This series sounds amazing !!


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