
10 September 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Hey all! I finally had enough time to put on of my weekly memes back on the blog! So today we're bringing back It's Monday What Are You Reading? hosted by Book Journey and this is basically our book wrap up of everything we've finished, what we're currently reading and what we plan on reading next! So here's my wrap up =D

Glass Boys by Nicole Lundrigan

I read this one for a blog tour and my review was supposed to go up last sunday but it was on my computer at home so I couldn't put it up so it ended up going on the blog yesterday so be sure to check that out!

Nerve by Jeanne Ryan

I cannot even begin to describe to you how absolutely amazing this book was! I'm so so glad I got a chance to read it. My review will be up on my tour date but I have no clue when that is at the moment!

Currently Reading:
Alice In Zombieland by Gena Showalter

I got this from Around The World ARC Tours and I'm loving it! I haven't read too many zombie books but this is totally on my favorites list.

The Pack by LM Preston

I'm reading this for a tour well technically I have to read the second book for the tour but I had to read this one before I could read the second one! It's pretty good so far but I'm struggling to finish it in time to be able to read the second one for the tour!

Normally I would do an up next portion but I really don't want to jinx myself so you'll just have to wait and see what I'm reading next just like me!

1 comment:

  1. OOh nice! Besides "Alice" the rest are new to me but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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